Not too late for Seattle Public Library’s Summer Reading Program

August 21, 2013 9:31 am
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While many schools start up two weeks from today (!) the Seattle Public Library wants to make sure kids and their families are aware its Summer Reading Program isn’t over yet. And they can get credit for reading they’ve already done:

If you know a child who has or will read 10 books this summer, bring them to your local library branch to fill out their Reading Certificate. Each finisher receives PRIZES! They will receive a free book of their very own, a family pass to go to the Burke Museum for FREE and their name on our Wall of Champions. If they haven’t read 10 books, that’s okay. They can receive a cool window cling for reading 5 books!

Our area has four SPL branches – find the one nearest you by going here. The Summer Reading Program officially ends on August 31st, but that’s still ten days away.

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