City ‘closely monitoring’ SW Trenton RV encampment

RVs have parked along SW Trenton, northwest of Westwood Village, for years. We noted usually one or two earlier this year. But readers have been pointing out a larger number lately – we’ve counted five in recent weeks – and pointing out that some of the associated activity is blocking the sidewalk. With this on the route students travel to and from the center, we’ve been asked if the city plans any action. So we took the question to the mayor’s office, which convenes the multi-department Unified Care Team, in charge of encampment “resolution.” Here’s the reply we reeived from spokesperson Callie Craighead:

The Unified Care Team (UCT) is closely monitoring this site and coordinating with Parking Enforcement teams to address RVs and other lived-in vehicles that are in violation of the City’s 72-hour parking rules along SW Trenton. The UCT prioritizes encampments for resolution based on public safety data, mobility and accessibility impacts, impact on the environment, and proximity to schools and other spaces where children are present.

A resolution date for this site is pending; in the lead-up to site resolution planning, the UCT will continue coordinating with Parking Enforcement teams as well as providing ongoing trash removal and the mitigation of public health and safety hazards such as propane tanks. Residents should continue to report public safety concerns, criminal activity, or other emergency situations by calling 9-1-1 …

For non-emergency situations, other city reps have advised reporting encampments via Find It Fix It.

126 Replies to "City 'closely monitoring' SW Trenton RV encampment"

  • Vee August 22, 2024 (9:36 pm)

    There is also a big mess where they are camping in the trees which are by the parking lot of the post office, it has really become a mess and things all over the sidewalks, not safe, too close to school ,ball park  play area for children, there is illegal activity which I noticed one day going to Westwood 

  • Derek August 22, 2024 (9:36 pm)

    Are they bothering anyone? This is so stupid. Provide real long term housing solutions affordably or leave them alone.  72 hour law is so classist too.

    • RegularPerson August 22, 2024 (10:02 pm)

      Let’s be realistic here. If these were regular ol’ law abiding citizens who happened to live in a camper, and just went to work everyday, no one would complain. but if you want to support them we can have them park in your neighborhood so your kids have to walk through the trash on their way to school every morning

    • Infantry72 August 22, 2024 (10:05 pm)

      Sounds like Derek would like to nominate and volunteer his immediate living quarters and neighborhood for the homeless refuge. 

    • Purple Pilot August 22, 2024 (10:07 pm)

      Derek what do you consider “bothering someone”?  All you have to do is drive by that stretch of RVs – or read the story- to realize they are a bother to the community. 

    • Mike August 22, 2024 (10:13 pm)

      What? Go clean up after them, tell them to be quiet and not block the sidewalks and streets at all hours, go retrieve the stolen goods and return it to the owners… the list goes on. Everyone’s sick of it.

    • 1994 August 22, 2024 (10:57 pm)

      YES!! They are bothering people who need to walk along the sidewalks on either side of Trenton! The sidewalks are blocked by their belongings, piles of junk, and people milling about in a drug stupor!  Anyone needing to use the sidewalk is being denied the public use! Go take a look Derek! I was in my car and rather disgusted with the sidewalk blockade, obvious drug trade going on, people unable to stand due to a fenty high…. it is a total sxxt show over there!

    • Dossetto August 22, 2024 (10:59 pm)

      Yes they are bothering a lot of people.  As the read says, it’s a route for school kids.  There’s drugs and hazardous waste.  At night while we’re asleep they prowl around breaking into cars, garages, stealing anything in sight.  It’s a nasty mess when you drive by.  I wouldn’t want to be one of the neighbors who has to deal with them.

      • Derek August 23, 2024 (8:22 am)

        Housed people are prowling and breaking into things too 

    • Nathan H. August 23, 2024 (6:54 am)

      Ah, Derek.  The “broken clock” of the West Seattle Blog: completely wrong 1,398 times a day. 

    • Adam August 23, 2024 (8:18 am)

      Derek is right, it’s a classist law (72 hour parking limit). It’s only applied to taxpayers who can pay the ticket and/or tow bill. If you’re poor and merely living in a place unsafe for yourself and those trying to use the sidewalks as intended, then it’s all good in the hood. 

      • Bbron August 26, 2024 (12:28 am)

        rest assured, there are hundreds of expired tabs just in my local area. car owners (and homeowners) are sticking it to the man many magnitudes more than homeless folks skirting 72 hr parking tickets.

    • Melissa August 23, 2024 (8:48 am)

      Fair question, Derek. There was a group here last year that really weren’t disturbing anyone. They were living in their RVs, trying to get by. This group is different. There are more drugs exchanged and more stolen goods being resold or peddled. Unfortunately, this city tends not to distinguish between unhoused folks who are minding their own business and those who are engaged in dangerous activities. 

    • CK1 August 23, 2024 (8:51 am)

      Must be nice not to have people passed out, selling, smoking fentanyl, having sex behind your house, stealing, breaking and entering, breaking down cars and bikes, driving down your street at high rates of speed, and trashing your neighborhood. All seen by various neighbors.  Please send your address. We’ll be more than happy to guide them to your house for safe refuge since these are fine and upstanding citizens who just need to be left alone.  

      • Bbron August 23, 2024 (10:16 am)

        which one of the derelict vehicles is racing around at high speed? i don’t think you know which vehicles are doing that: it’s the sports and muscle cars. it’s folks with disposable income and time doing that.

        • CK1 August 23, 2024 (7:17 pm)

          I don’t believe in making general statements, and I only try to post what I can verify through recording or through neighbors who witnessed it personally. While there is a nuisance of racing cars everywhere, we caught this event on our cameras. When the camper was near our place, I heard a loud “screeching” sound and a vehicle traveling at a high speed. I reviewed our footage and identified it as a black truck parked with the trailer camper. Not only did I see the same truck before, but to verify, I walked down the alley to make sure it was the same truck I had captured on our cameras—it matched exactly. We’re used to cars speeding down our street, but this was excessive and dangerous. Just because it’s a junker doesn’t mean it can’t be driven dangerously. I called the police and offered the footage. Unfortunately, I was never contacted to submit it.Another neighbor was working outside. A van parked next to his house. He saw the people go to the trailer, come back and sit in their van while smoking something out of foil and a glass pipe. They stayed there 2 days. Another neighbor witnessed two people having sex in the ally then return to the same camper. Neighbors also saw people going into a vacant rental house nearby at night, and returning to the camper in the morning  Picking up trash in the area, and walking by, I was able to personally record a woman passed out with foil and pipe in hand, camper door wide open to the sidewalk. I called the police. I’ve also witnessed multiple groups of people coming and going from the same camper. On multiple occasions. All this and we all were weren’t even going above and beyond to monitor. It was so blatant it was easy  to witness any time you were on the same street.  We’ve had multiple campers come and go and the most we’ve had to do is submit a find it fix it after 3-4 weeks when they weren’t moving. This was a whole new level of terrible.

          • Bbron August 23, 2024 (11:43 pm)

            you don’t believe in general statements, yet your comment has nothing to do with the folks on Trenton. you replied to Derek projecting your experiences elsewhere onto these folks. i live next to them. the only cars i have heard and seen racing in the street don’t park there and aren’t junkers. there is 1 truck that is extremely loud, but it’s due to disrepair like a hole in the muffler. so you came into this thread without personal experience of the people that lived here and insinuated they do all those things you listed. and then i had to suffer through reading all of it when only the 1st third of it addresses what i asked about because i mistakenly thought you were focusing on the folks on Trenton and not your general feeling on homeless folks.

          • CK1 August 25, 2024 (10:36 am)

            Bbron, sorry. You are wrong. 

          • Bbron August 25, 2024 (11:58 am)

            what a well thought out response you literally admit folks to racing everywhere (aka dangerous operation of a vehicle) but because of a disdain for poor people you’re only concerned with 1 truck. for someone vocal about no generalizations, you rely on them a lot.

          • Bbron August 25, 2024 (11:44 pm)

            well thought out response, CK1, and sticking true to not using generalizations 🙄

    • DJA August 23, 2024 (9:10 am)

      They are making the area unsafe so yes they are bothering a lot of people. Stealing items from the residential areas and stores in Westwood Village.  Drive by and look for yourself. You are part of the problem if you want this type of activity to continue in our area. Guessing you don’t have kids or own property if you think this is OK? I have seen the crack heads in this camp sniffing around houses on the other side of 35th looking for opportunity. 

    • Danimal August 23, 2024 (9:59 am)

      Derek, think about what you’re saying for a second. Open your mind, poke your head up, stop, and think. They are 100% bothering people. These encampments of RVs come with and create major problems. Public sex/prostitution out in the open, illicit drug use creating unnatural scenes out in the open and affecting passers by, in other words, public street users. Used needles left out in the streets, or as in the case of Nucor, thrown over the fence line into the roadway for the employees and contractors  to deal with and possibly be injured by. Defecation and urination on the sidewalks and streets, an obvious public health hazard. Erection of huge stolen goods storage “facilities,” with open sale of stolen goods. Sex offenders potentially interacting with children walking down the street to school. Harassment and criminal endangerment of other members of the public using the street that these derelict RV owners have claimed as their own. Garbage piles, garbage strewn about. Dangerous chemicals and fuel’s stored improperly or left out in the open. All of these things come along with these RV encampments when they’re allowed to get established. They all should be housed, yes. But they should not be allowed to take over neighborhoods as you suggest. Stop with the thoughtless nonsense.

    • West Seattle resident August 23, 2024 (12:59 pm)

      I agree that that the solution would be to help them in a real, equitable way. I do not think they should be parked outside of a school with stuff collecting all over the sidewalk. 

    • Vaughn August 23, 2024 (1:12 pm)

      I would like to walk my daughter up and down that street and not through a maze of RVs wondering who is going to come out of them, or what state they will be in. 

    • G August 23, 2024 (1:29 pm)

      Derek – an individual living there came up in the middle of a kid’s baseball game screaming obscenities (every swear word, lots of rape talk) and threatened to beat up the parents who tried to help them. So yeah, I’d say there’s harm. 

    • Lynn August 26, 2024 (4:55 pm)

      I work in Westwood and my coworkers and I have been harassed multiple times by these people since we walk to work. It’s very unsafe and frustrating what they have done to the public sidewalks. Ive also experienced so many people almost crashing their cars because you cannot see around their large RVs or tents they have set up. So yes they do bother people. 

    • Gena August 26, 2024 (8:05 pm)

      They actually *are* bothering folks. There was a guy who lived peacefully there for a couple years and nobody bothered him. There are several folks in that situation and the neighborhood is pretty tolerant. These folks however – they are using and dealing drugs on the street, they are blocking the sidewalks on both sides, they leave filth everywhere, drug paraphernalia, and property crime has become more common for us, around the corner. We have had multiple prowls, break ins and a vehicle stolen. In the past month. We often have unknown, clearly  high people walking in our complex.  We can no longer take a route that way to walk the dog.  This encampment is a menace. If you are nearby, report any property crimes, and report the encampment in the find it and fix it app. 

    • Ron August 26, 2024 (8:21 pm)

      I had my car broken into, my storage unit and a Scooter was stolen a few days ago. They are doing drugs on the sidewalk and blocking off the sidewalk. Yes…THEY ARE HURTING PEOPLE. People who want options have options. Quit pretending this is a housing problem. They are drug addicts living on the streets….They are selling drugs and stolen goods right in front of our noses. The cops know but do little. People are tired higher property taxes for this to continue. 

    • Leonette August 26, 2024 (9:56 pm)

      Thank you for the comment.  I agree.  We have had at least three people in this (whole) city who have been hired from other parts of the country for our homeless issues and I believe they were completely unprepared for what they encountered here. I worked for King County and this Department hired people from other parts of the country  and then would change the name of the department thinking people wouldn’t remember what a mess it had been.   

  • Mom August 22, 2024 (9:42 pm)

    I felt very unsafe driving by there earlier today. There was an altercation happening between few individuals and it’s so scary that it’s on path for kid’s commute and there is a child care center close by. Who can we reach out to in the city to push on this? Monitoring is not good enough. Monitoring until we have an incident? This is technically illegal and the city should be able to action on this. 

    • Alki resident August 22, 2024 (10:50 pm)

      I agree. I no longer will use Trenton after seeing too many crazy situations. Why wait until something happens? Seeing those propane tanks on the sidewalk makes me nervous too. 

    • New Deal August 23, 2024 (7:29 am)

      I quickly locked my doors as I drove past.  The Madison Valley murder should have all of us doing that anyway but I felt very unsafe there.  

      • Josh August 24, 2024 (10:24 am)

        They arrested that murder suspect at his listed address by the way. The losers lining Trenton are full on spun out losers, but very unlikely to be car jacking murderers just because they are drug addled homeless losers. 

  • Admiral-2009 August 22, 2024 (9:48 pm)

    Derek – if they are creating a mess and leaving items on the sidewalk the answer is yes they are bothering others.  And regarding the 72 hour parking limit it is supposed to apply to everyone equally.  

    • Bbron August 23, 2024 (10:44 am)

      “The law, in its majestic equality, punishes the rich and poor alike for stealing bread and sleeping under bridges.” doesn’t matter if it applies to everyone a law can still be classist. there’s a booted truck on 34th that’s been there years without issue. I see the same derelict cars parked in front of residents places, or ones that obviously never go anywhere shuffled around. all these folks skirt that “equally applying law” because they have a private residents to do it in front of and that space has been normalized as “theirs”. so yes, Derek is right to call out the classist impact of this law.

      • Matt August 23, 2024 (1:50 pm)

        If it’s the booted truck I’m thinking of on 34th — somewhere between Henderson and Holden I think — that owner has definitely broken it and keeps it “on” to make it appear to the city it is still booted. Sometimes the truck isn’t there, other times it’s parking spot has changed slightly, so add this to the list of laws they clearly break with abandon enough to get booted in the first place.

        • Bbron August 23, 2024 (11:47 pm)

          i believe it’s somewhere between Kenyon and Thistle, but yeah, i think we have the same trunk in mind. i believe walking in the area i’ve noticed it gone from time to time (and never gave it a 2nd thought), so that matches up, too.

  • Mike August 22, 2024 (9:53 pm)

    Get them outa there.  I am tired of this mess.

  • Roxy August 22, 2024 (10:12 pm)

    I reported the encampment two weeks ago.  You can’t walk by on either sidewalk because they’re blocked plus who knows what you’ll get caught up in. You have to walk in the street to get through – very unsafe for the kids.  I follow the daily police crime data info and from 25th St to 29th on SW Trenton, I noticed there’s been an uptick in narcotics arrests, strong arm robberies and last night I heard gunshots coming from that area.  So, yes, safety is an issue.

  • Good news August 22, 2024 (11:06 pm)

    @Derek – good news! I have written the city and they said setting up these campers outside YOUR house is their long term solution. You of all people will make them feel most welcome, I’m sure. 

  • CK1 August 22, 2024 (11:37 pm)

    One of those trailers was parked a block away from us a few weeks back and as I passed by there was a lady passed out with foil and pipe in hand doors wide open with two guys milling about one opening a brand new Thule roof rack box. Called 911 to check on the girl but didn’t stick around to see the results. Different neighbors also saw multiple people visiting the trailer and people having sex in the alley. So I’d say yea, they’re bothering people. If people want to host them in their own homes or yard who think they are harmless I’m sure they’d love it. 

    • Tlc August 23, 2024 (3:27 pm)

      Yup that was my Thule roof box that they stole🥲

  • KD August 23, 2024 (12:19 am)

    Derek; besides drug use and trafficking not supposed to be near schools (I assume summertime break too?) it’s response’s like yours that make the misery for all sides continue on and on. Huge difference between homelessness and housing insecurity and just plain drug addicted addicts that commit crimes to the rest of us to keep their addiction going. Certain past city council members also kept the misery going by making the same excuses. Stop with the useless lines that don’t help any side. ~ Peace 

    • CK1 August 23, 2024 (8:44 am)

      100% agree KD. Luckily the people who are fed up with our little south end enclave being the repository for the drug addicts being pushed from the fancier north end West Seattle locations ( see any campers on Alki or beach drive??) are taking action while people like Derek troll the comments of the West Seattle Blog. 

  • itlani August 23, 2024 (4:55 am)

    Well no s–t that drug use coincides with living with no access to basic human needs including food,  bathrooms, and fresh water.  everyone’s plan to sweep these folks lack critical thinking. and frankly,  all of you hate poor people. I hear plenty of you screaming and having altercations in your own homes I walk by.  What’s the difference? And if you use your brain,  you will realize that drug use isn’t just common for people in RVs. But all you will tisk from your cars and behind your fence at people who don’t have the generational wealth or privilege to suffer in privacy.  Get off your high horse. And while you’re at it,  stop using kids to justify your s—-y thoughts on poor people.  You easily throw them under the bus when they do remotely anything you don’t like and it gets posted on here.

    • Gena August 27, 2024 (11:15 am)

      I have known addicts and the addiction makes them selfish and horrible. And often dangerous. This isn’t about morals – this is about public safety. Homelessness is a complex issue but you have to strike a balance between absolute tolerance and reality. Thai kind of encampment isn’t helping the non-addicted homeless. The guy that had been living there peacefully for multiple years is now gone because he was pushed out by the organized criminals, drug dealers, and tweakers. Saying this is just people hating poor people is simplistic thinking. I will point out this is not a wealthy neighborhood. People can’t afford to lose the things that are being stolen. Yet this has been allowed to bloom and continue here because it is lower income. You don’t see this in more affluent areas. This is *negatively affecting* poor people and you just sit there acting self righteous  and slinging simplistic ideas. Get off your high horse. 

  • Marcus August 23, 2024 (4:58 am)

    Derek bothers me! He does have the freedom to speak his own mind.  Sometime I think he just instigates a viewpoint to get a “rise” out of the WSB readers.  Too bad with his energy he could do so much more positive rather then just rant in support of the obvious wrong. 

    • Bbron August 23, 2024 (2:30 pm)

      Derek comments once and then a bunch of others pile on. The time it takes to collectively reply to Derek is much, much more than it takes Derek to comment. so if i was thinking about who has the more energy to put positivity back into the community, it’s all the reactionaries commenting.

  • Oerthehillz August 23, 2024 (6:24 am)

    Yesterday there was someone walking back to the rv’s who had been walking the parking lot slowly and looking into cars. I was there early waiting for Marshall’s to open. He was definitely up to no good and looking for an opportunity.

  • anonyme August 23, 2024 (6:31 am)

    So. let me understand the UCT position on this: the encampment is breaking the law – right now, not just maybe sometime in the future.  But let’s squander resources (i.e., taxpayer dollars) while doing absolutely nothing (“monitoring”), even though this is now a growing problem that has already been around for awhile.  Instead, let’s feed the bureaucrats for as long as possible until the problem is big enough to require a major cleanup, thereby requiring the maximum amount of money for the least amount of action.  Imagine if that single RV had been taken care of immediately as the law allows?  Encampments don’t form overnight, and they are fully enabled by local government.  The problem is the bloated bureaucracy surrounding homelessness; they are the problem, not the cure.

  • K August 23, 2024 (6:46 am)

    I think the “but are they bothering anyone” question comes up because the city has spent so much time, energy, and money sweeping RV residents that aren’t making a mess and aren’t causing any issues.  It’s the boy who cried wolf.  Now we have an encampment that it routinely blocking the sidewalk and making it difficult to navigate the area, but it’s hard not to see this upcoming sweep as just one in a series of instances where taxpayer money is wasted shuffling people around who have nowhere else to go.  Maybe some day when people can stop pearl-clutching over every poor person that has the audacity to be seen in public, it will be clearer when we’re talking about actual problem encampments versus the usual efforts to keep the poors out of sight.

  • HP resident August 23, 2024 (6:49 am)

    Highland Park also has a chronic problem with rotating trailer encampments and a lack of enforcement of the 72hr parking rule. Filing reports doesn’t seem to work and it can take over a month for any visible action.  Look at Cambridge St between 15th and 16th Ave SW as a case in point.  

    • Don September 3, 2024 (12:48 am)

      I live right by that area. There are a couple of RV’s that rotate through who are nice people and cause no problems. We don’t mind them at all. There have been others that were truly horrible. Drug dealing bringing in many buyers who shoot up on the spot and toss the needles everywhere. Screaming at all hours of the night, trash everywhere and gunshots. There are kids around here and it’s not safe for them. When the worst dealer got shot and his truck went away we were all happy to see it go. It’s been a little better lately. Moving them out regularly seems to help keep the mess under control.

  • Grilled Cheese August 23, 2024 (6:56 am)

    I feel sorry for anyone who has to live In a RV on the street. These people are no different then you or me. I wish we could figure out better solutions to helping homeless. Not far from my home is a new section of housing that cost 3.5 million to own. This is the problem with Seattle. The city can’t afford tge housing for low income people because the high cost to own. All we can do is sweep them under the rug like Bellevue. Sad

    • LawnOrder August 23, 2024 (11:56 pm)

      No one has to live in an RV, just like no one has to live in Seattle. Yes, it’s expensive here and if you can’t afford it, guess what – move. There are places where a dollar goes a lot further. And before you tell me there aren’t jobs in those places, guess what? The folks in those cars and RVs aren’t working. Unless you’re talking about selling drugs, stealing, and prostitution. The whole “they’re our unhoused neighbors” line is dishonest and played out. It’s simply not true. 

      • Bbron August 24, 2024 (7:41 pm)

        the vast majority of those people that have fallen into homelessness were previously living in homes in Seattle. these are our neighbors, and for you to say otherwise is empirically false. why should folks be pushed out of where they live because of medical debt, increased rents, disability, etc.? why should they be forced to go live in places that are even more hostile to them and lack even more of the services they need? get off your high horse and stop being intentionally wrong to push aporophobic ideas: “84% of homeless people in Seattle/King County lived in Seattle/King County prior to losing their housing, 11% lived in another county in Washington prior to losing their housing, and 5% lived out of state prior to losing their housing.” source

      • K August 24, 2024 (8:03 pm)

        The vast majority of homeless people work.  Legally.  Moving away from jobs and all of the people you know if the opposite of what it takes to get out of homelessness.  Maybe you should move if you don’t like what you see in your city.  That would open up a housing unit, so the issue would be improved however slightly immediately upon your exit.

  • THOMAS August 23, 2024 (7:05 am)

    why does the city wait too long to do something just put signs up and then start towing the place is a garbage dump just do something for once 

  • New Deal August 23, 2024 (7:15 am)

    Isn’t this the area the city calls a “safe route to school” with planned speed humps.  Hmm.  

  • 1991 August 23, 2024 (7:28 am)

    There’s a daycare park so close to them right next to the post office. I would not feel safe knowing my toddler is playing near drugs and could be exposed to such things. Also would not want my highschooler walking through this mess.

  • Alki Jack August 23, 2024 (7:29 am)

    Seattle’s Parking Enforcement is monitoring them breaking the law. What happened to towing vehicles at some point. In fact why even have laws if you just “monitor” them. What bathroom facilities do they use? Why must children be forced to walk around their mess? Time for some action.

  • Sillygoose August 23, 2024 (7:36 am)

    The Unified Care Team needs to open their eyes to the blatant crime going on here! Along with young girls being moved in and out of here. If you want proof park and watch around 9-9:30 am. You will see lines of young men and women showing up with stolen goods, giving them to the guy who sits in the camp under the landscaping he gives them drugs for the items. Piles of back packs and luggage with airline tags. A guy on a very expensive bike pulling a trailer then rides around West Wood village to men standing on the corners of the property by Marshall’s, QFC etc  dispersing the items in plastic business shopping bags. Disgusting these  crimminals aren’t arrested!!! Being unsheltered is one thing being an unsheltered crimminal is another!!! Lock them up make them do highway clean up.

  • Seattlite August 23, 2024 (8:17 am)

    Thank goodness.  I have been complaining about these dilapidated RVs and cars for quite a while.  Their proximity to Sealth and to a pre-school in Westwood Village is not acceptable.

  • Steve Wilcos August 23, 2024 (8:23 am)

    If this was near West Seattle High instead of Chief Sealth it would be cleaned up by now, don’t you think?

  • DJA August 23, 2024 (9:05 am)

    This is not a displacement issue with this camp, this is a drug issue. Lots of bike thefts have lead to this camp. Yesterday I noticed a crack head sniffing around my block (37th and Thistle), super sketchy looking guy in dirty gray sweats with a hoodie looking for opportunity. The same guy was at this camp durgged up and dancing later in the day. The Subaru with the tarps on it, these clowns have been stealing items from various stores in Westwood Village.  These people have no business in the neighborhood, they are only here to steal anything they can sell off for drugs. Run them out of town! There should be zero tolerance for this type of camp in a residential area. 

    • Seattlite August 23, 2024 (1:16 pm)

      I wrote on another post on WSB a few weeks ago that I smelled marijuana and an odd chemical smell.  On that particular post, other commenters blew me off and defended the lineup of RVs, cars and their occupants.  I am happy see the common sense comments on this post to clean up that section of SW Trenton St.

  • DRW August 23, 2024 (9:07 am)

    One of those was camped out kitty corner from me along with that RV that resides on Henderson and Barton just West of Delridge. Not a good scene. Selling drugs, stolen property, fights, cars stopping by all hours, also what looked human trafficking. Nice cars dropping women off with rolling duffles only to shuffled off into another not so nice car. Definitely a weird scene. Not to mention the garbage. Shout out to German Barreto at the Southwest Precinct for helping in the neighborhood.

  • MST August 23, 2024 (9:19 am)

    The guy usually driving the red car in the pic, and selling drugs out of it, was arrested last night and the car was towed away.  So hopefully that means cleanup is in progress.  The Unified Care Team has been out there numerous times, and the people don’t really want any help.  There was even 3 shots fired from that encampment the other night that woke up a lot of the neighbors.

  • Bronson August 23, 2024 (9:26 am)

    Are Derek and Jort the same person? Haven’t seen Jort lately, but the comments are always similarly troll-like. 

    • WSB August 23, 2024 (3:29 pm)

      No. However, someone in this discussion IS trying to comment under multiple names. One discussion, one name.

    • Seattlite August 23, 2024 (5:07 pm)

      LOL…good one.

  • Del Griffith August 23, 2024 (9:53 am)

    The RVs parked on the south side of Trenton make it difficult to see eastbound traffic when trying to turn out of Westwood village right there. I’ve also seen a propane tank sticking out in the street a couple times. Hope this city can find a good resolution for everyone involved.

  • KB August 23, 2024 (10:34 am)

    There are a few cars that have been in this spot for as long as I have lived in WS, like the couple with the green jeep.  The people living in them are respectful and keep their area free of debris and tidy.  I feel deeply for them when some of these people move in and cause trouble for them by taking up sidewalks and leaving trash everywhere.  Because this is near a school and the community center, I agree this area needs to be clean and safe.  I wish it could also be clean and safe for the people who live there as well.

  • Kravitz August 23, 2024 (11:15 am)

    Just this morning while on my way to the gym (around 6:30 am), I saw a man lying in a parking strip – not sure if he was deceased or simply high on a drug of choice. I called 911 for a welfare check. It wasn’t in this particular area that’s being discussed, but the fact that we’ve normalized essentially ‘stepping over’ someone on the sidewalk, open air drug/stolen goods markets, prostitutes soliciting Johns in bus lanes on Aurora – it’s all is insane to me. The amount of cars and passersby that didn’t even bother to see if he was breathing tells me we have a significant issue with allowing this self-destructive behavior to continue. I’m exhausted that this pattern just repeats itself, many of these people don’t accept help, and they continue to be a drain on what used to be healthier and safer communities. Also, I should note that the 911 operator specifically asked me to tell the downed man that I was on the phone with 911, and ask whether he wanted medical help. He said no, and went back to his drug induced stupor. I am sick and tired of it, and if that encampment were anywhere near my home or child’s school, I’d want it gone ASAP. 

  • Scarlett August 23, 2024 (11:30 am)

    Just a reminder for the sanctimonious who come here to pummel the houseless with their insufferable petit bourgeoisie values:  Homeless don’t start illegal wars that kill and maim thousands, they don’t “invest” (lol) in companies that price gouge the economically strapped, they generally aren’t taking vacations around the world spewing massive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.   So, you know, there’s that.

    • Jeepney August 23, 2024 (12:33 pm)

      All valid concerns, but not the topic of this article. 

    • Seattlite August 23, 2024 (1:21 pm)

      Good grief.  The goal is the safety of students, preschoolers, and anyone else who needs to walk, drive by the mess of RVs, cars, and their occupants on SW Trenton St.   Do you have an issue with that?

      • Scarlett August 23, 2024 (4:00 pm)

        Do you think this thread needs one more comment condemning this encampment and it’s inhabitants?    This is the society we wrought, Seattlite, and you can’t just wish it away and return to some idealized recollection of West Seattle – you know, have your cake and eat it too.  In terms of scale, incalculably more evil has been enabled by people, either by cowardice or ignorance, who live in nice neighborhoods, in nicely tended homes, who pay their taxes, and maybe even go to church on Sundays.     

        • Seattlite August 23, 2024 (5:10 pm)

          Oh please.  Common sense goes a long way in resolving problems versus bloviating for the sake of bloviating.

    • LawnOrder August 24, 2024 (12:01 am)

      That’s some Trump/MAGA style whataboutism. Yes, those matters you raise are problems. Just like the criminals selling drugs and trafficking women out of RVs are a problem. SMH at this comment. 

    • B August 24, 2024 (2:22 pm)

      Good people trying to affect change in their community focus locally so they may have some actual impact. You’re not enlightening anyone by reminding us all of national and global issues. You’re just adding more problems to a big list, while doing nothing to impact the local issue at hand… Waning safety and ungodly amounts of crime and drug addict zombies roaming your streets and causing heartache and anxiety for the good folks of West Seattle.

  • MKN August 23, 2024 (11:32 am)

    I live on Trenton Street and this is out of hand.  There have been some unhoused people living in cars and running Rv’s on Trenton before, and they were not causing issues or leaving trash all about.  Even they moved on when this new group of criminals moved in.  Now there are trailers that have been moved in and left, garbage and blatant drug use.  This shouldn’t be happening in my neighborhood or yours. I would welcome back the previous unhoused group, at least they were good neighbors and respected the neighborhood.

    • Bbron August 23, 2024 (11:09 pm)

      huh? this is the same group of folks. do you not recognize them, the RVs, the cars? i’ve said hello in passing over the years and it’s been the same people in the same vehicles. what’s happening is that as more homeless folks get pushed together after being swept from other parts of the city people start to fantasize a mythos of what they’re up to. not that I care, but for the last 4+ years there has been trash left out and about; it’d come and go with the community clean ups. there’s been trailers. the folks living there before also have had outbursts. while walking thru the area, i have yet to see an instance of a person in a “fentanyl stupor” like those driving thru have been able to see so frequently. this idea of “the tolerable homeless person” that you and others imagine up isn’t real, and is done so to vilify the folks living there now. you didn’t care to learn their names before you thought the “original” homeless folks left…

  • Josh August 23, 2024 (11:43 am)

    We walked by yesterday afternoon, from the athletic field to the post office. Normally we cross the street to avoid, but now it’s both sides of the street, so we just walked on the post office side.That was not good. The camp is over the sidewalk into the bushes, sketchy guys doing whatever and one came up to us with a daze in his eyes, we were glad we made it through.Never again will we walk there with this going on, not worth the risk. Tired of feeling unsafe in our neighborhood. This should NOT be normal. 

  • jedidiahperkins August 23, 2024 (11:46 am)

    I love when people say that people experiencing homelessness need to “keep their area clean,” as if you don’t see “free” items all over the neighborhoods of West Seattle. A lot of these items are left at the curb for weeks at a time, getting rained on or worse.

    Keep your own spaces “clean and tidy” before you dictate how others should live. You think we like to see your junk out on the street corner because you are too lazy to coordinate a free pick up, or simply take it to the dump?

    • WS Res August 23, 2024 (2:33 pm)

      Thank you. And if folks are concerned about trash and human waste, why not provide them a regularly-emptied dumpster and some port-a-potties + hand wash stations?

      • Bbron August 23, 2024 (11:14 pm)

        i’ve been thinking this for a long, long time now: until we go hard into funding well maintained public restrooms, these problems will persist. honestly a whole department should be spun up to do just that. at the bare minimum, a person should be able to shower and relieve themselves privately. it’s also crucial to folks with disabilities. for all the talk about ADA parking spaces for the sake of those with disabilities, that seems to be the extent of how much people want to help. no thoughts for those with IBS, Crohn’s, etc.

      • LawnOrder August 24, 2024 (12:08 am)

        Because it’s not our job to support the junkie lifestyle. I don’t facilitate criminal activity. What you are really saying is – if criminals want to come and sell drugs and traffic young women in your neighborhood, you should clean up after them. Please – that’s just ridiculous. And that’s what you are saying. And I don’t think we’ve ever seen a single case of people putting out free stuff on the sidewalk that was in the range of ton (literally) of garbage, biohazards and stolen property. Save the false equivalency for Trump please and try to at least have a semblance of intellectual honesty. I mean really, people are literally leaving needles, garbage and human waste near a school in large quantities and you are comparing that to someone leaving feee chair on their parking strip. SMH

        • PotKettleBlack August 24, 2024 (10:36 am)

          Far, far more sex and drug trafficking takes place in local AirBnBs than in the half burned down RVs by the side of the road. If you seriously want to tackle that problem you need to look elsewhere. 

      • PotKettleBlack August 24, 2024 (8:04 am)

        This! A suggestion that provides rather than punishes. Maybe there is hope?

  • PotKettleBlack August 23, 2024 (12:35 pm)

    Funny. Everyone is responding to the “are they bothering you” portion of Derek’s comment and completely ignoring the “provide housing” part. Does anyone have a suggestion for providing services for the people obviously in need? 

  • Marcus August 23, 2024 (12:41 pm)

    So I am taking all the above comments which appear to be most truthful and sincere and I have a summarized a follow-up conclusion.  There are stolen items, drugs, possibly human trafficking and prostitution, environmental damage and hazardious waste, and public safety dangerous obsticals-have I missed anything?  And, everyday the WSB accurately and promptly reports breakins, thefts and sometimes assaults. My conclusion is that stolen valuables are taken to this encampment and traded for drugs and whatever.  My oh my, the connection is staggering understanding that not all homeless people are criminals and drug users. This is simply organized crime terrorizing my community.  The police need to shut this down and arrest all criminals from top to bottom. I do not see why this is not an enforcement priority.

  • West Seattle resident August 23, 2024 (1:04 pm)

    What does closely monitoring mean exactly? I will admit that doesn’t give me much hope given how closely monitoring has gone in the past, it got us nowhere. I have the upmost respect for those in that situation, but you do have to be respectful of those around you and it’s not okay to block the side walk. I also don’t think they should be allowed to be parked next to a school, on a route that kids often walk by.

    • WSB August 23, 2024 (1:32 pm)

      This typically means at the very least, it’s on the list discussed in the UCT’s regular meetings. I checked for past usage of that exact term in similar communications; another UCT spokesperson used it after the sweep of the West Marginal roadside RV encampment 10 months ago, in the context that they would be “closely monitoring” for attempts to move back to the site. It’s remained clear – likely because the area where the RVs had been was subsequently completely lined with “ecoblocks” – TR

  • mem August 23, 2024 (1:10 pm)

    Hey- let’s stop discussing this and show up to talk to CM Saka together. We need to have our voices heard! As already advertised in the blog:SOUTHWEST PRECINCT CRIME PREVENTION MEETING: As previously announced, the SW Precinct Crime Prevention Council– which has no fixed membership, just whoever shows up – meets on Wednesday, September 11, 6:30 pm at the precinct (2300 SW Webster). In addition to crime updates from the precinct command staff, District 1 City Councilmember Rob Saka is scheduled to speak. These meetings are a prime time to bring questions about anything from specific incidents to trends.

  • CoolBreeze August 23, 2024 (1:36 pm)

    Westwood resident here. Agree the situation along Trenton Street SW by the post office has devolved rapidly. We’ve lived just off Trenton for 26 years and this is the worst it has ever been. At the very least, the sidewalks are supposed to be passable and it is now not possible for a pedestrian to walk (safely) on either side of the street. The city is quick to send letters to residents when the blackberries get a little overgrown in our alleyway, but for an actual safety issues like this, it’s a “wait & see” stance? There’s been a huge uptick of trash and illegal dumping, car prowling & all other sorts of nefarious activity along Trenton as well.

  • Matt August 23, 2024 (2:21 pm)

    So many people ragging on UCT here like they have 2 or 3 encampments citywide to deal. Good grief. You know how many of these types of sites they have to deal with citywide? Each requiring their own due process, following regulations and coordinating with other departments? I’d imagine “closely monitoring” simply means “towards the top of our list” with a subtext of, “have you seen our list?!?!”  I wish they could be swept as quickly as most everyone else here but there are a lot of systemic issues all tied into this that make it complicated.

  • PotKettleBlack August 23, 2024 (3:01 pm)

    Wow. Over 50 comments discussing ways to punish poor people and not a single suggestion for how to provide services for people in need. Guys, I think I’ve figured out why West Seattle has a homelessness problem!

    • what's yours? August 23, 2024 (4:07 pm)

      Well, why don’t you start off that conversation, if you have any ideas?

    • Alki resident August 23, 2024 (4:21 pm)

      You 100% missed the comment section telling you about the crime surrounding the motorhome and cars. Was this intentional to avoid facts? 

      • PotKettleBlack August 23, 2024 (5:45 pm)

        Of course not. If you solve the affordable houses issue you solve most of the crime. If people want less crime and fewer encampments you need to create jobs and provide housing. So far in this thread I see a lot of complaining and almost no problem solving.

        • Lisa August 23, 2024 (10:07 pm)

          Hence your moniker is appropriate:-)

          • PotKettleBlack August 24, 2024 (7:49 am)

            Yes! Thank you!! Someone finally got the joke.

  • BJ August 23, 2024 (3:53 pm)

    Westood resident/CSIHS parent here – something else that has me worried is the new Total Wine liquor warehouse opening right smack dab in the middle of all of this (old Staples store). Between the current safety state of affairs within WWV and this encampment, this area is going to continue to degerate even more quickly. 

    • Alki resident August 23, 2024 (4:26 pm)

      Total Wine has a great system in place for theft and has maintained a great store at all of their locations. It’ll be a nice addition to our area for sure. 

    • Rhonda August 24, 2024 (7:07 pm)

      Not to worry. The Total Wine customer base are high-income and well-educated. Most of the RV transients are using marijuana and illegal substances that Total Wine doesn’t sell. Their security measures are very sound, as evidenced at their Bellevue location.

  • Dolores August 23, 2024 (4:58 pm)

    The bottom line after reading 50 comments is if you have children who have to use these sidewalks or any one whose access is blocked because of drugs, garbage human waste, propane tanks, nudity, sex trafficking and an an assortment of other things such as  trading stolen goods for drugs, you have a right to ask the city to clean up this mess.  This is not about poor people but actual criminal activity. Let’s not mix up the issues. Be informed before making ridiculous assertions .  

  • Window August 23, 2024 (5:46 pm)

    This whole area took a quick turn when the Subaru showed up this summer (now covered with a tarp and tent). We don’t even know that this group is homeless but they sure found a great place to set up a drug “exchange” and a constant run of stolen goods. I’ve watched multiple people running to the car and RV across front it with armfuls of new backpacks and purses. I’m sure Marshall’s and other stores would love to see this group leave.

  • Sunrise Heights August 23, 2024 (11:24 pm)

    These comment boards too often degenerate into debating ideas that can both be true simultaneously rather than being mutually exclusive. People can deserve compassion while requiring intervention. Public policy and private choices of the affluent create the economic disparity that leads to criminal and socially dysfunctional behaviors. Yet that behavior can still require attention and address for the sake of public safety even while we pursue, as a society, more just systems that prevent it. As with healthcare, we can seek both to prevent and to cure. They are complementary rather than competing approaches. Polarized thinking that assumes different perspectives equal opposite perspectives leads us away rather than towards solutions. Rather than listening to each other, we’re just shouting over who is right. But feeling right doesn’t actually get us anywhere. 

    • Ms. Sparkles August 26, 2024 (7:41 am)

      Thank you Sunrise Heights – well said & important to remember

  • Juanita August 24, 2024 (1:10 am)

    We’ve only lived here 3 years but can definitely see the difference between the majority of the folks that used to live in the RVs and what’s going on now.  It was never a great situation, you’d see the occasional stolen merch and substance abuse, but now its almost like walking thru 3rd Avenue downtown.  It’s dangerous for those of us that live here, the kids that go to school and day care here, and the merchants trying to make a living here.  Not all of the stores at Westwood are large chain stores, they can’t absorb the theft, not that any store should.  My neighbor, who unfortunately doesn’t have a driveway or garage, has had his truck drilled 3 times for the gas.  I’ve had several instances of people trying my garage from the alley.  We’re on Trenton and can’t tell you how many times there’s been broken glass on the sidewalk in front of our houses.  I’ve seen people purposely leave trash in front of houses then pull back to see how long it takes someone to clean it up so they can gauge if anyone is home.  I had a guy who I’ve seen down by the post office just sit on my stoop and piss himself.  This spring a guy, who was whacked out of his mind, ripped the top off of the Xfinity silver box next to the power pole with his bare hands then proceeded to throw things at oncoming traffic.  It took Xfinity several days to get someone out and now, thankfully, the top is bolted down.It’s not that we don’t have compassion for the homeless, we do.  Homelessness  can happen to anyone at any time for any reason.  But unless someone is willing to come to our houses and clean up after the mess that’s made or personally stand vigil to ensure our stuff doesn’t get ripped off,  please realize the “you guys just beat up on poor people” comments don’t apply to this situation.  There is a drug/crime issue going on here.The people with substance abuse issues need help but they can’t be forced to take it if offered, so how do we solve that problem?  The criminals need to be arrested and do some time, but it doesn’t seem like that ever really works.  If the unhoused are offered shelter but refuse it, should they just continue to live there and we just let an encampment grow larger? Is there some reason why there can’t be a dedicated police car to sit on that block or, at the very least, a regular patrol that walks down that street every few hours?  As for the Total Wine, I’m in agreement.  Not something we need, whether or not they can mitigate theft.  It would have been nice to see the daycare expand into the old Staples place in order to keep those kids safer.  Or maybe have some type of family oriented mini sports complex there with light eats and beverages.  The suggestion to go to the next SOUTHWEST PRECINCT CRIME PREVENTION MEETING  makes sense. 

  • so many bikes August 24, 2024 (3:18 pm)

    I just drove by there this morning to get to the post office, and I saw a fellow stacking up a bunch of bikes between a couple of rvs.   I didn’t stop to ask what was going on, but it’s hard to imagine there’s a savory explanation for how all those bikes got there.

  • Dolores August 24, 2024 (4:27 pm)

    New drug activity, dealing out of tan suv, man with pants down beside car, urinating. Keep on the city to help this continuing problem. Drug enforcement officers? If you need to go to post office or shopping use Delridge, turn on Trentonto avoid area😊

  • car donation August 25, 2024 (10:50 am)

    Our family car was stolen early AM
    Saturday 9/24. It now has a new home between 2 RVs on Trenton. It comes and
    goes from there with its new “owners”. Yesterday afternoon I saw a guy sitting
    in the driver seat, windows down wearing a face covering. Saw car again later
    in same spot parked for the night. It’s a silver 2004 Subaru Outback, easily
    recognizable with all the stickers my kids put on the driver side rear window.

    Both times when I saw the car I have called SPD to tell them I found it and
    followed their instructions to stay away and wait for police to come.While waiting for SPD to arrive I
    watched cars pull up near the RVs, people get out and go into the bushes where
    tents are set up, then they leave a few minutes later.  

    This is an Illegal Drug Market
    disguised as a homeless encampment. There are a few people sleeping in their
    cars. Their unfortunate circumstances are being taken advantage of as cover for
    drug dealers and theft rings operating out of RVs and tents. Likely a large
    majority “homeless encampments” operate this way.

    Having Empathy and Compassion, it feels like we’ve all been played.  Or do
    I feel better by telling myself I donated car to some less fortunate guys wearing
    face coverings driving around in Summertime.
    SPD never showed up.

    • Past frustration August 25, 2024 (10:01 pm)

      This evening between 6 and 7 PM we saw a man in a black coat with his hood over his head and a black full  face covering (only eyes were showing) walking along the west side of the Halloween store, pushing a cart full of assorted items. I noticed a scooter among other things.  He was clearly casing the vehicles parked in the parking lot.  Yes, it was obvious. Another guy was pushing a Target shopping cart across from the post office toward the RVs as well.   I found that weird because most of the target carts have automatic brakes now that don’t let me even take them to my car.

      And we noticed it was difficult to safely pull out onto Trenton from Westwood Village because of the RVs parked there obscuring our view of oncoming traffic.

      And it was impossible to not see the Subaru with the tarp now has the pop up canopy over the sidewalk blocking anyone from passing through without walking underneath it. 

      You know I would like to be able to walk to Westwood Village to shop. I have taken it off my route because I don’t feel safe.  Nothing about that area feels safe now. 

      I’m sorry about your car. I’m sorry about our neighborhood. I’m sorry we have to pretend like this is some kind of lack of empathy on our part because it’s not.  This is crime, plain and simple.  I did a Find It, Fix It report for the encampment. But it’s not an encampment. It’s an open air drug and crime center.These people don’t want homes –  they want to commit crime. And they have unfettered access to doing so.  

      We are all just so worn out on it that we have started to just build our lives around it. And then it hits us personally and then there is nothing anybody will do about it.  Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

      What is it going to take?

  • Window August 26, 2024 (7:28 pm)

    If all the people that commented here show up at the meeting below I would hope they will listen. I plan on being there. Who else?Wednesday, 9/11 at 630 – SOUTHWEST PRECINCT CRIME PREVENTION MEETING:  2300 SW Webster. District 1 City Council Rob Saka is scheduled to speak. 

    • will be there August 27, 2024 (12:31 pm)

      Planning on the 11th…. however school starts September 4th.CSHS Students will  walk thru this Open Air Drug Market  disguised as a “Homeless Encampment”  for a whole week  before there is a community meeting on Sept. 11th.It needs to be gone by September 3rd!!!

  • DRW August 27, 2024 (9:16 am)

    Drove by yesterday and now theres an RV parked ON the sidewalk totally blocking it. I live pretty close by and 2 cars had their windows smashed yesterday morning. Coincidence? 

  • N/A August 27, 2024 (8:41 pm)

    Is there an update? Looks worse now than before. Trash blocking sidewalk and in the bushes 

  • Scarlett August 28, 2024 (8:43 am)

    There are no real solutions as long as our country rumbles on towards obscene economic feudalism.  No, warehousing people, stripping them of human dignity,  with no chance of being re-integrated in society is not a solution.   All of you might want to take a few minutes, take that dollar out of your wallet, and contemplate where it came from – ie. how much is “yours” and how much was a matter of your good fortune, your family, even a government (or quasi-gov entity).  This is the society we all wrought while we all were too busy  pursuing our own interests.   

  • Na August 28, 2024 (9:22 am)

    I was leaving the gym yesterday and it looked like 2 people were hunched over the front seats of a van. They were either dead or in a drug induced coma. Yes, I guess I could have called the police for a welfare check but it’s gotten to a point that I don’t see any change happening which is sad. Kicking them out doesn’t really do anything since they just relocate. And if they don’t want to change the problem won’t change. It’s sad. I dont want them in my neighborhood but I am at a loss on what we can do at this point.

  • Trenton Neighbor August 28, 2024 (2:52 pm)

    There is a new camper that moved into the neighborhood. They actually parked partially on the sidewalk. The issue is now officially out of control. I’ve lived in the area for years and in the past, there would be some campers, then they are warned/ ticketed and they moved. New campers would then show up. This Shanty town has been going on for many, many months and needs to be dismantled. I can no longer take walks up the sidewalks, there are people running across the street between motor homes and I nearly hit them and the other day they were playing football in the street and were annoyed by me driving through their game of catch. Not to mention the drug use, garbage and feces. I know moving them is not the answer to the problem at hand but them staying there is not the answer either. ENOUGH is ENOUGH!

  • gatewood88 August 29, 2024 (2:12 pm)

    my 2 year old goes to the daycare that is right by this encampment.. We love our daycare- but I am worried with the sudden growth in the encampment and the criminal behavior (which didn’t seem to be an issue with previous rv residents). Recently one of the RV residents that i see regularly milling around- had nunchucks and was walking menacingly right by our daycare entrance when i was picking up my son…it’s unacceptable.. All one has to do is park and watch for 5 minutes to see open drug deals, public defecation/urination, stolen goods,weapons, etc.i just emailed rob saka and plan to continue to follow up. The city needs to get this cleared up yesterday. judging by the comments here I’m not the only person concerned… 

Sorry, comment time is over.