We’ll remind you of all this tomorrow morning, too, but a little advance planning can’t hurt, so:
BALLOT VANS: If you haven’t mailed your ballot yet, Tuesday night is the deadline, and tomorrow is the first of three days during which you can drop it off at the official county dropoff vans – one in West Seattle, one in White Center. Details here.
BUY DIAPERS & BRING THEM TO THE MOVIES: WestSide Baby needs more diaper donations to get to its current goal – and tomorrow is your next convenient chance to drop some off. Bring them to West Seattle Outdoor Movies in the Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) courtyard, 4410 California, before the movie (“The Muppets“), whether you’re staying or not! More here.
CLEANUPS AT ALKI, DELRIDGE: Two cleanups tomorrow morning – the big Seal Sitters cleanup on Alki 9 am-noon (details here, including how to RSVP so they have enough equipment), and the latest North Delridge Neighborhood Council beautification project, 10-noon at Delridge Community Center – more here.
NO LIGHTHOUSE TOURS: One more reminder – no Alki Point Lighthouse tours tomorrow or Sunday, because everyone’s busy for Seafair. BUT remember you can catch the lighthouse-history presentation at the Log House Museum next Thursday night – details here. And speaking of the museum …
LOG HOUSE MUSEUM VOLUNTEERS: 11 am-1 pm tomorrow, the LHM would love to see you at its next volunteer-information session. How does it work? Everything you need to know is on the LHM website.
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