West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
10:59 PM: Before we get to tonight’s forecast – sunset views! First three photos are from the Alki vicinity – top, by Annika Bowden. Next, by Russ Walker:
This next one is by Carolyn Newman:
And next – a Lincoln Park view by Jim Clark:
As for our lightning prospects – right now, it’s only happening far to the east, according to KING 5‘s lightning page. But commenter MetPatrick (“met” as in meteorologist) – who saw last night’s show coming, about 8 hours in advance – said a few hours ago that he still thinks it’s possible tonight.
2:28 AM UPDATE: Continuing to watch the aforementioned lightning radar – looks like it’s all moved directly north to north-central Washington now, so our chances of an encore appear to have dwindled.
We stopped by the Madison Middle School field this afternoon once the sun was out full strength for an event that showcased … well, full strength, and then some. Female competitors were about to lift at the 4th annual Pipehitters Classic, presented by Morgan Junction Crossfit, benefiting (as reported here last night) the family of Seattle Police Officer Tim Brenton. The MJCF Facebook page features some of the day’s highlights.
Much yet to come this summer – including Sustainable West Seattle‘s annual picnic on the Lincoln Park shore, just announced:
Join Sustainable West Seattle on Monday, August 19th for our fun and beautiful Annual Community Harvest Celebration and Picnic!
We will be gathering at Shelter #3 at Lincoln Park, the large shelter with a barbecue grill, on the southern end of the park near the Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal dock. The picnic begins around 4:30 pm with the preparation of the grill. We should have everything ready for celebrating by 5:00 pm. Members, guests, and new folks who want to check out this group are asked to bring a potluck item to share — side dish OR dessert would be great. SWS will provide the protein for the BBQ + condiments. Bring your own dishes/utensils, if possible. The picnic continues through sunset on the beach and usually concludes around 9:00 pm with shelter-area cleanup.
We’ll honor a few of the amazing people in our local community, too – Sustainability Champion and Volunteer of the Year. Also, consider bringing your acoustic instrument to share a song or two with our creative & playful group…maybe a community jam will happen?! We’d love to hear about the “green” things you’ve been up to in the last year! Come on out and connect with an inspring community of people, ideas, and practice!
Though some points to the east are seeing early thunderstorm activity, it does NOT appear that’ll happen over here in the next few hours, so tonight’s West Seattle Outdoor Movies presentation of “The Avengers” (2012) is on. The courtyard’s open, some moviegoers are there already, raffle tickets and concessions are on sale (benefiting nonprofits), and the movie should start around 8:45 pm on the big-screen wall in the courtyard next to Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (4410 California SW; WSB sponsor).
This is a big day for business anniversaries in West Seattle! Thanks to Marcia Ingerslev for sharing a photo from the 75th anniversary party at the Chelan CafĂ©, whose restaurant and Ebb Tide Room bar are favorites by the west end of the low bridge. In the photo, that’s Chelan proprietor Mary Manning-Smith, smiling bright during the celebration at the family-owned cafĂ©.
As mentioned in today’s “West Seattle Saturday” highlights list, at least four West Seattle businesses are celebrating anniversaries today/tonight, and here’s another one – Cherry Consignment. While in The Junction this afternoon, we dashed in for a photo of proprietor Nyla Bittermann. She opened her store at 4142 California SW in mid-August 2009 and is celebrating today with treats for shoppers as well as by donating 20 percent of the day’s sales to the breast-cancer-fighting fundraisers extraordinaire of Team Tracy; in true independent-local-community-business style, she often gives to nonprofits (we recall the Ruby Room is a favorite). You still have a little more than an hour to stop by before Cherry closes at 6 pm.
Keep watch for this light-blue 1992 Subaru Legacy, license plate 062ZXW. Its owner sent the photo and reports, “Our beloved Subaru was stolen from the 4100 block of SW Rose today. Please keep your eyes open.” Call 911 if you have seen it or have any information about it.
(P.S. We hope you never have to deal with vehicle theft – but just in case, be sure you have a photo of your car, pickup, bicycle, scooter, whatever, handy – take one with your phone right now and save it. This car’s owners happened to have one and perhaps it will help in the search.)
It’s the deal of the century – the 20th century – if you buy a 60-cent hot-dog-and-drink deal from the West Seattle Lions Club outside Junction True Value (WSB sponsor) during the store’s 60th-anniversary celebration today. It opened – in a different Junction location, as noted in our preview story on Thursday – on August 10th, 1953, and has remained an independent family-owned business ever since; owner Bruce Davis is the third generation of ownership, and there’s fourth-generation representation on staff, including his daughter Ahna Davis. Today’s festivities include hourly drawings – enter near the front door, where you’ll find team members in their special anniversary T-shirt:
Back outside, free balloon animals:
And free face-painting – here, the anniversary cupcake is modeled:
The hot-dog-and-drink deal is on until 3; the rest of the party continues throughout the day – Junction True Value is open until 7 pm tonight – and tomorrow (open 9 am-6 pm), too.
After the rain accompanying the overnight thunderstorm cleared the air, more than 600 people participating in this morning’s Breathe Deep Seattle could truly do just that. They ran and walked to raise money for the lung-cancer-fighting LUNGevity Foundation – after warming up in the slightly chilly morning air:
This is the third year for BDS – which had a $15,000 fundraising goal for year one, a goal of five times that this year, and has already exceeded that new goal, passing $88,000 so far for 2013, according to the official website (look for the gauge on the lower-right side of the page).
P.S. For those who ran the race as a timed 5K – results are here.
(WSB photo added 9:56 am: Yes, the HPIC sale is on – details below!)
Welcome to a soggy Saturday morning following that wild lightning show overnight! Forecasters say we’ll probably see more, so if the weather leads to any cancellations or changes, we’ll add event updates here (please let us know via e-mail, editor@westseattleblog.com, or by phone, 206-293-6302 text/voice, if YOU have any event changes!), but for now, here are highlights for today/tonight…
JUNCTION TRUE VALUE’S 60TH ANNIVERSARY: Today’s the biggest day of the weeklong celebration, as noted in our story from Thursday. Free popcorn, balloons, face-painting, hourly drawings, and from 10 am-3 pm, hot dogs and soda at mid-century prices, with the help of the West Seattle Lions Club. Plus the ongoing anniversary sale! And check out the WSB discount coupon. (4747 44th SW)
CROSSFIT COMPETITION: Under way at Madison Middle School until 5 pm, with entry fees (and voluntary donations by spectators) benefiting the family of Seattle Police Officer Timothy Brenton. Details in our preview from last night. (45th/Spokane)
HIGHLAND PARK IMPROVEMENT CLUB’S BIG SALE: 9 am-3 pm, it’s the giant annual rummage sale at HPIC – details on their website. (12th/Holden)
BREATHE DEEP SEATTLE: Starts in upper Lincoln Park, 9:30 am, with last-minute registration under way now; timed 5K and fun run/walk to benefit the LUNGevity Foundation, fighting lung cancer. Details in our Friday reminder.
ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR AT C&P: Browse and buy local artists and craftspersons’ offerings during this fair at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) today, 9 am-3 pm. (5612 California SW)
STEM SUMMER PLAY DATE: Incoming or continuing student at West Seattle’s K-5 STEM Elementary? 10 am-noon at Lincoln Park – details here.
ARTS IN NATURE FESTIVAL: Day one of the Nature Consortium‘s big festival at West Seattle’s wonderful wooded Camp Long, starting at 11 am, continuing until about 9:15 tonight (and then there’s the second day tomorrow)! The schedule of performers, artists, and more is all on the official festival website. (5200 35th SW)
SOUTHWEST COMMUNITY CENTER FAMILY FEST AND CAR SHOW: 11 am-5 pm, details in our calendar listing – including a free Southwest Pool swim at 1 pm! (2801 SW Thistle)
GARDEN CENTER: 11 am-3 pm, it’s your monthly chance to shop Puget Ridge Garden Center on the north side of the South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) campus, as explained in our calendar listing. (6000 16th SW)
CHERRY’S 4TH ANNIVERSARY: The consignment store on the north edge of The Junction celebrates its 4th anniversary today with “sips and sweets,” as noted here, 11 am-6 pm. (4142 California SW)
COASTAL’S 10TH ANNIVERSARY: Coastal Boutique on Alki turns 10 with a party including discounted clothing and accessories from visiting vendors, custom T-shirts printed on-site (“bring your own or buy blanks here”), and then a beach barbecue at 7. (2532 Alki SW)
BARNES AND NOBLE STORY TIME: 11 am at the Westwood Village store. Melissa says it’s all about donuts: “We’ll be reading ‘If You Give a Dog a Donut’ and ‘The Case of the Missing Donut.’ We will also be eating doughnuts, of course, and I’ll be breaking out the Play-Doh to play with!”
SHERWIN-WILLIAMS GRAND OPENING: It’s been open for about a month, but this week the paint store on Delridge is celebrating today, after an official ribbon-cutting with the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce on Thursday:
That’s WSCofC board chair Dave Montoure at right, with S-W staff. The store’s located behind the Arco station at Delridge/Orchard.
WEST SEATTLE OUTDOOR MOVIES: If the rain returns this afternoon, check back here for updates, but for now, tonight’s edition of WS Outdoor Movies is on – “The Avengers” is the movie, preshow music, nonprofit-benefit raffles, and more, as noted in our preview here, gates open at 6:30 pm at the courtyard next to Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor), movie at dusk, 8:45-ish. (4410 California SW)
‘GUYS AND DOLLS’: 7:30 pm, second weekend for Twelfth Night Productions‘ “Guys and Dolls” at the West Seattle High School Theater; details in the listing. (3000 California SW)
OUTWEST TURNS TWO: If you’ve been to or driven by OutWest Bar recently, you’ve seen “2” on signs in the windows. Yes, that means the second anniversary for West Seattle’s only LGBTQ bar, which will celebrate tonight, per its calendar. (California/Brandon)
ROBIN TROWER TRIBUTE: 9:30 pm at Feedback Lounge (6451 California SW; WSB sponsor) – another of the nightlife listings you’ll find on the calendar!