Thanks to Craig Young for the photo of last night’s moonrise (also shared via WSB-FB), taken from Elliott Bay Marina. Moonrise tonight is 9:13 pm, according to the moonrise/moonset/moon-phase section of the WSB West Seattle Weather page. To keep you busy in the meantime:
LOW-LOW TIDE: Not as low as yesterday but close – it’ll be -2.8 feet at 11:50 am – and another great day to get out and explore – gently – if you can! Seattle Aquarium beach naturalists are out now, once again at Constellation Park south of Alki Point and near Colman Pool at Lincoln Park.
YOUTH PROTEST: A demonstration downtown against racial profiling and related issues will include students from Chief Sealth International High School and White Center’s Evergreen Campus, according to a news release sent this morning. They invite other youth to join them outside the King County Courthouse at 1:30 pm; here’s the Facebook event page. (3rd and James, downtown)
WEST SEATTLE TOOL LIBRARY: Reminder that the WS Tool Library now has Tuesday evening hours, if you need to go check out something for a project – 5-8 pm, northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
JUNCTION NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATION RE-LAUNCH: Tonight’s the night – 6:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle – if you live/work in or around The Junction, come help its community council re-launch. Development is certainly a hot-button issue, but that’s not ALL they’ll tackle:
Have you heard of your neighborhood community organization in the West Seattle Junction and Triangle ? It’s called JuNO- your West Seattle Junction Neighborhood Organization.
There are many topics and concerns about what is happening currently in our Junction and Triangle neighborhood that affect the way we live. Joining us tonight will be Ed Pottharst of the SWDC and the City of Seattle. He will be answering questions and telling our group more about ways the City of Seattle supports neighborhood organizations like JuNO.
Do you have an idea for our neighborhood? Want to kick start a fundraiser for a park or beautify a public area close to your home? Do you have a question about a development near you or a traffic or parking situation that you would like to see resolved? Join us and we can discuss best ways to get things moving.
We hope to see you tonight!
René Commons
The Senior Center’s entrance is on Oregon just east of California; the meeting rooms are upstairs.
TUESDAY TUNE-UP AT SALTY’S: Independence Guide Dogs will benefit from tonight’s Tuesday Tune-Up event at Salty’s on Alki (WSB sponsor), with music by Victor Janusz and more, starting at 6:30 pm – details here. (1936 Harbor Avenue SW)
FAMILY STORY TIME: After a long summer day, bring your preschoolers and toddlers to Family Story Time at the Delridge Branch Library, 7 pm. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
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