(Photos by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
7:17 PM: The first of more than half a dozen marching bands is on the field right now at Southwest Athletic Complex across from Chief Sealth International High School, for this year’s Band Jam – something the Seattle All-City Band and its director Marcus Pimpleton (photo below; he’s also music leader at Sealth and adjacent Denny International Middle School) came up as a way for ACB and visiting bands to have fun and tune up the night before the big Seafair Torchlight Parade.

Good crowd already in the stadium stands, but still lots of room for you to drop in – no admission charge, but if you buy concessions/merchandise from ACB volunteers, that’ll benefit their ongoing operations. The Junior All-City Band, which Pimpleton explained as a “two-week camp” – including its performance in last Saturday’s Rotary Kiddie Parade before the West Seattle Grand Parade – is up first. Others to come include not only the ACB but also the Calgary Round-Up Band (seen in the WS Grand Parade as was the ACB), Pacific Northwest Drumline (video below), Sumner High School Marching Band (top photo), and more.
9:07 PM: Over after two high-energy hours.

Surprise of the night, Chaotic Noise Marching Corps (photo above), a self-described ‘renegade marching band’ – wow! (Video added:)
11:05 PM: We’re adding photos and video now, some inline, some in this last section. Here’s our video of how the night ended – with members of all the bands getting back out on the field for what was indeed a band jam:
Aside from that, Calgary put on what was literally the biggest show:

It was a field-wide, theatrical presentation with a circus theme, including acrobatics, and even, as shown in our photo above, a few costumes. Video:
Shadows fell on the field as dusk approached, but spirits and sound blazed brightly:

Some of the hosts’ choreography:
All-City Band has been practicing at SWAC this year instead of their traditional site, Memorial Stadium at Seattle Center.

ADDED SATURDAY: Thanks to Steve White for the view above of the stands from the field’s south end!