West Seattle Crime Watch: End-of-school homework burning, case #2

Back on Friday, we mentioned briefly on the WSB Facebook page that police had responded to a Hiawatha-area call about students burning homework papers after the last day of the school year. Turns out that wasn’t the only paper-burning call they handled that day – SPD Blotter has just published this saga of a Schmitz Park incident hours later.

13 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: End-of-school homework burning, case #2"

  • JanS June 17, 2013 (4:23 pm)

    gotta admit…they have a sense of humor :D

    • WSB June 17, 2013 (4:27 pm)

      Jonah Spangenthal-Lee is a journalist who SPD employs to do a fair amount of blotter writing and tweeting – had a site SeattleCrime.com for a while and I believe worked for the Stranger for a while – and yes, he has a style, which is why I am not just cutting and pasting the text as we often would with the more basic SPD Blotter updates – he deserves to have his work read on his ‘own’ site with byline :)

  • smokeycretin9 June 17, 2013 (5:17 pm)

    love it! I almost spit out my Slupree

  • j June 17, 2013 (5:17 pm)

    The sketch of the suspects cracked me up!

  • I. Ponder June 17, 2013 (5:29 pm)

    Shouldn’t this be handled by Homeland Security? Who knows what teens may be thinking. Is there no more room on Guantanamo?

  • Alan June 17, 2013 (6:14 pm)

    Those suspects look VERY familiar.

  • K'lo June 17, 2013 (7:20 pm)

    Any leads on the two suspects? Perhaps we should tune into a certain TV station for updates. (Love the SPD blotter writer!)

  • Rachel June 17, 2013 (7:36 pm)

    Nice to hear of an arrest in Schmitz park. I run into teens there using pot all the time. Literally just walked by a teen parked outside the park rolling a joint. Was wondering though whether the police are able to spend time on these type of calls considering the state voted yes (hate that)

  • Heather June 17, 2013 (9:50 pm)

    Does anyone remember the huge shaving cream fights we used to have when classes ended? Did anyone else do that? So much fun!

  • Ajax June 18, 2013 (12:05 am)

    So excited for this time of year when the ferals are running loose 24 x 7 instead of just after 3 p.m. I’m more than happy for them to be smoking weed, I think it might slow them down from some of the property destruction.

  • Brian June 18, 2013 (9:53 am)


    Good lord… not a teen… rolling a joint????!!!

    Surely this nation cannot afford another teenager smoking the devil’s plant! Lord help us all.

  • ws born & bred June 18, 2013 (5:58 pm)

    Hahaha this just made my bus ride.

  • ws born & bred June 18, 2013 (6:01 pm)

    @Rachel. The state’s yes vote actually made pot use MORE difficult and more easily punishable than our previous system.

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