West Seattle, Washington
13 Thursday
(Photo by Amanda Grove)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
While hundreds of people will be taking courses from South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) this year, we can guarantee that Georgia Mitchell will be the only one taking them while riding a three-wheeled Y Fliker scooter cross-country.
You might already know Georgia. Not just because she’s a 2009 Chief Sealth graduate; that same year, she made news by becoming Miss West Seattle Hi-Yu.
She’s been off at college in Hawai’i, and on a culinary internship in France, before transferring back to join the hospitality program at SSCC.
But first: Starting one week from today, she’s embarking on three months of human-powered travel across America, with three Brazilians and an Irishman.
The National Weather Service has a “short-term forecast” alert in effect for our area right now, and it warns of potential thunderstorms. Claire tweeted a few minutes ago that, from the Lincoln Park area, she’d seen lightning to the west. In case it heads this way, you’re forewarned! (The forecast says they’re a possibility tomorrow and Wednesday, too.)
It’s been a while since we’ve reminded you – but now we’re just four nights away from the benefit screening of “Jaws” at the Admiral Theater, so we’re reminding you again. As announced last month, it’s the kickoff of a benefit movie series (with co-sponsors including WSB) for the Mind Unwind Foundation‘s support of arts in education and for The Admiral’s renovations, and there’ll be a silent auction and art exhibit as well as the movie. 11 pm this Friday night, June 21st. Get your tickets online, here. 21+ only because of beer/wine sales. And save the dates for the second and third movies in the late-night series, “Monty Python and the Holy Grail,” July 27th, and “The Big Lebowski” on August 24th.
Back on Friday, we mentioned briefly on the WSB Facebook page that police had responded to a Hiawatha-area call about students burning homework papers after the last day of the school year. Turns out that wasn’t the only paper-burning call they handled that day – SPD Blotter has just published this saga of a Schmitz Park incident hours later.
2:54 PM: Heads up if you’re headed to or from Highland Park, among other affected areas: A crash at West Marginal Way SW and Highland Park Way (map) is leading police to close West Marginal at the scene and for at least a few blocks north.
3:18 PM: Our crew at the scene says a car hit a pole and hydrant (though there’s no water flowing from the latter) on the west (southbound) side of the road a short distance north of Highland Park Way. While the car will be towed soon, the pole and resulting suspended wires have to be taken care of by City Light. P.S. Just added a cameraphone photo but because of the sun and tree cover, the pole hit by the car is hard to see – we’ll substitute clearer photos when our crew gets back. The driver was not seriously hurt.
3:35 PM: Via radio, police are saying City Light can’t get there for another hour or so because it’s shift change.
Meantime, the closure is requiring semi-trucks to turn around as well as smaller vehicles, since they are heavy users of this road. So we do advise avoiding the area entirely TFN.
4:01 PM: Substituted a clearer photo. West Marginal at that spot is still closed off, be forewarned.
5:20 PM: Open both ways, but City Light repair crew has outside southbound lane blocked.
(TUESDAY UPDATE: The full “packet” for next week’s hearing is now available here.)
(Click image for larger view)
Next time the Southwest Design Review Board meets, on June 27th, its second round of “Early Design Guidance” for 3210 California SW will be on the agenda (as noted here last month). That’s the proposed South Admiral building with a face longer than a city block, the first development proposed for the area upzoned in 2010. Taking into account the feedback from members of the board and the public at the first meeting two months ago (WSB coverage here; official city report here), they’ve come up with a new plan that, along with other changes, breaks the building into three parts rather than two – as seen in the new “massing” image above (the colors are NOT representative of any final look – they are just used in the rendering as highlights). We talked about the new proposal with Lis Soldano from Intracorp, the project’s Seattle-based developer:
11:39 AM: We don’t have the specifics yet, but two Metro routes in West Seattle – 21 and 120 – are on a list of eight bus routes for which the city plans to give Metro $750,000 to buy “more than 5,000 hours of added service per year through early 2016.” The money comes from “savings from the voter-approved Bridging the Gap Levy,” according to a news release from the office of Mayor McGinn, who made the announcement today with Metro General Manager Kevin Desmond. It says the money will “help Metro increase evening and weekend frequency on high-ridership routes from 30 to 15 minutes or from 60 to 30 minutes.” The announcement also makes a point of noting that the State Legislature has yet to reach a deal on the transportation-funding proposals that would help Metro avoid having to make $75 million in cuts when two types of temporary funding start running out next year.
11:52 AM: The mayor’s spokesperson Aaron Pickus says the extra hours are set to take effect in September. We’re asking Metro for any other details available.
12:53 PM: County spokesperson Rochelle Ogershok tells WSB the “service change” that’ll bring the added hours is on September 28th. So far, she has no additional details regarding exact number of hours, etc., but we’ll add anything more we find out.
Two quick notes in West Seattle Crime Watch this morning:
STOLEN CAR: Taylor asks you to keep an eye out for his girlfriend’s car, stolen last night on 10th SW in Highland Park. It’s a black 2000 Honda CR-V, with plates ending in WLO. Call 911 if you see it.
WEST SEATTLE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL: Since the WSCPC doesn’t meet in July and August, this is your last chance to get a guaranteed SPD audience for a neighborhood concern. In fact, that’s what tomorrow’s meeting will be devoted to, along with updates and followups (including a discussion of the recent Lincoln Park safety walk). 7 pm Tuesday (June 18th), Southwest Precinct – parking lot entrance is off Webster, west of Delridge Way.
(Click image for larger view)
Thanks to Long Bach Nguyen for sharing that recent view looking toward the Olympic Mountains over northern West Seattle. On to three highlights for today/tonight:
SUMMERTIME SWIMMING: Two notes for our area’s city-run pools today: Colman Pool is now in 7-day-a-week operations on the shores of Lincoln Park (schedule here), and Southwest Pool has added daytime swims now that school is out (2801 SW Thistle; schedule here).
LONGFELLOW CREEK WALK: 6:30 pm, join Sustainable West Seattle on a hike through the Longfellow Creek Watershed. Details in our calendar listing. (Meet at 26th/Yancy)
WESTSIDE INTERFAITH NETWORK: This group of 20+ congregations works “to provide a ‘network’ of help and services for people in need throughout our community.” Tonight, it’s invited city officials to join in a meeting so the network can learn more about ways to help meet “the challenges (they) face in providing human services … the goals or plans (they) would like to implement … and the ways (WIN) can be a working part of any solutions.” The public’s welcome at the meeting, 6:30 pm, Our Lady of Guadalupe‘s Pastoral Life Center. (7000 35th SW)
(Live view from the east-facing WS Bridge camera; other cameras are on the WSB Traffic page)
6:03 AM: Summer is now officially here – well, traffic-wise, anyway, since school’s out. Otherwise – we start with traffic alerts for later this week:
*California SW repaving Tuesday-Wednesday between Myrtle and Frontenac
*Saturday closures for Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon, including NB 99
3:44 PM UPDATE: West Marginal Way is closed north of Highland Park Way because of a crash – ongoing coverage here.
Early warning, since this one tends to sneak up unless you happen to be running in it: The Rock ‘n’ Roll Seattle Marathon/Half-Marathon is next Saturday (June 22nd), and as usual, it brings road closures – most notably for our area, Northbound 99. According to the closure list on the marathon website, northbound 99 will be closed 5 am-3:30 pm Saturday from Hudson (on the East Marginal Way section) to Roy, north of downtown. Here’s a map. Full road info, from maps to parking notes, can be found here.