day : 26/06/2013 11 results

Heard those booms? Fireworks, police say

From the “in case you also wondered” file: We heard the two loud booms from the Lincoln Park area and mentioned them on Twitter; word of the booms then turned up on the scanner, and police affirmed to dispatchers that they were fireworks. (We’re hearing more, smaller ones, as we type.) This gives us reason to remind you that while fireworks of all kind are illegal in Seattle, they remain legal in the unincorporated area immediately south of West Seattle and go on sale at noon this Friday, so brace yourself. (Here’s the list of local fireworks rules for the whole state.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Police at Lincoln Park; charges in crash, burglary cases

Three notes in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

POLICE AT LINCOLN PARK: If you were at, or passing, Lincoln Park early this evening, you might have seen the big police response in the north parking lot. We went to the scene after several tips and found out that it basically wasn’t as big a deal as it looked, and did NOT involve any kind of crime happening in the park. Following up with Southwest Precinct Lt. Alan Williams, he said it started with police finding a vehicle in Lincoln Park that resembled one being sought in connection with an unspecified incident in the unincorporated King County area, but in the end, Lt. Williams says, “We detained and identified three individuals, then released them after discussing the situation with County.”

Now, two updates on cases we’ve been following:

CHARGES IN 17TH/CAMBRIDGE CRASH: 26-year-old Kalameu Paulo of Seatac is charged with two counts of vehicular assault and one count of felony hit-and-run in connection with the Sunday morning crash that seriously injured two people. Court documents tell the same story reported here in our Tuesday followup – that she allegedly ran a stop sign and T-boned the victims’ car, then was caught running away from the scene. She was described as showing signs of intoxication, and the court documents add the additional detail of a witness saying she had seen Paulo at the Locker Room bar in White Center earlier in the evening, appearing “particularly drunk.” The documents say alcohol/drug test results are not back yet. Her bail remains at $75,000.

ALAN POLEVIA CHARGED: Bail also remains set at $75,000 for 32-year-old Alan Polevia, now charged with second-degree burglary in connection with the incident for which he was arrested Monday afternoon, less than 24 hours after being released from a jail stay that began with an Arbor Heights arrest on June 11th. As reported here last night, police say he broke into a home in the 10000 block of 28th SW, and was arrested shortly thereafter. But there’s a new detail in court documents: While, as reported here, he was allowed to leave jail previously with a condition that he would be living at a Burien address where his father allegedly lived, we now learn he told police after the arrest Monday that he does not know where his father lives now, and had instead been picked up from jail by a girlfriend who took him to her house. Prosecutors asked the judge today to keep bail at $75,000 because out of 12 cases against Polevia in the past 12 years, 10 of them have resulted in warrants.

The court documents reveal that the “vacant” home Polevia allegedly broke into is the home damaged in a fire we covered last month for our partner site White Center Now. Court documents say he denied to police that he had broken into the house and said he had gone there because “some guy” told him he might find some coins there.

West Seattle restaurants: Pecado Bueno to ex-Wing Dome spot

Thanks to Sean for spotting the liquor-license-application posting and sending the tip our way: The nine-months-vacant Wing Dome spot in The Junction at 4523 California SW is slated to become the home of the second Pecado Bueno. The first one opened in Fremont in 2011. According to this PSBJ story, founder James Schmidt was a co-founder of Taco Del Mar. He told PSBJ that he didn’t want to turn Pecado Bueno into a major chain – maybe just five or six places. The concept is described as order-at-the-counter – here’s the menu – with a full bar (which is the type of liquor license that is being sought). This would be the fifth Mexican eatery in The Junction, after Puerto Vallarta, Taqueria Guaymas, Matador, and Pica Border Grill. We have messages out to see what more we can find out, such as timeframe for opening.

6:28 PM UPDATE: Just spoke by phone with owner James Schmidt, who says they could open as soon as August 1st – he’s expecting the “minor” changes they need to the space to be done before then, so the liquor license is what’s likely to be the biggest factor in the time frame. But he also made it clear, it’s a restaurant with a full bar, NOT “another bar.”

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West Seattle coyotes: Seen at Camp Long & golf course

Early Tuesday, we published a coyote-sighting report for the first time in a while, after some had asked us if they somehow weren’t around any more. Yes, they are, as these photos show – Mark Wangerin photographed the coyote pup above, earlier this week at Camp Long, and not far away, minutes ago, Zane sent us this photo from the West Seattle Golf Course:

Zane saw the coyote and a pup around the 12th hole, fifteen minutes ago. Reminder: It’s best for us and them if they keep their distance – lots of advice here about not providing food, and about scaring them away if they get too close.

Newly proposed microhousing rules go to Council committee Friday

The city’s first take at “microhousing” regulations is scheduled for a special meeting Friday (June 28th) of the City Council’s Planning, Land Use, and Sustainability Committee. That’s the date mentioned by DPD director Diane Sugimura when she visited the Southwest District Council earlier this month; now the agenda’s out, with the draft of what’s being proposed. The map above accompanies the agenda and includes four locations where microhousing is under construction or planned in our area. (See the addresses and unit counts on this list.) Among other things, as laid out in this memo, it sets up new terminology such as “micro dwelling unit” – up to 8 living units sharing a kitchen – and “congregate residences,” 9 or more living units sharing one. But the term “dwelling unit” will still apply to that group of up to 8 living units, for State Environmental Policy Act review purposes, anyway. And for purposes of tracking neighborhood growth, a group of four living units would count as one “unit.”

As for parking:

*Parking minimums are not required or are reduced in certain areas of the city, primarily
urban villages, centers and frequent transit served locations.

*Outside the areas noted above, required vehicle parking for most multi-family residential
uses is 1 required parking space for each dwelling unit (SMC 23.54.015).

*For congregate residences, and for assisted living facilities the vehicle parking requirement
is 1 space for each 4 residents.

*In areas of the city where parking is required, add a parking requirement for micro dwelling units
consistent to that of congregate residences: 1 space for 4 micros

*Currently the amount of required off street bicycle parking required for residential uses is one (1)
bicycle parking space for every 4 dwelling units in multifamily housing, and 1 bicycle parking
space for every twenty (20) residents in congregate residences. (Table E, SMC 23.54.015)

Micro dwelling units appear to have higher demand for bicycle usage than other forms of
development; increase the requirement for off-street bicycle parking for micro dwelling units to
1 bicycle space to 4 micros.

A later section of the memo addresses microhousing built in Residential Parking Zones, and says there should be up to four permits for each “micro dwelling unit.” Meantime, the agenda for Friday’s meeting also includes a memo from the Seattle Planning Commission, which says these types of apartments “fill a unique niche” in the city and should be permitted wherever multifamily development is allowed. But the SPC does think the buildings should be required to have more amenities. Friday’s meeting is at 9:30 am at City Hall.

Youngstown Cultural Arts Center seeking more ‘Civic Partnerships’

(2012 WSB photo of Youngtown Cultural Arts Center)
There’s a new opportunity for more arts/cultural organizations to get involved with West Seattle’s Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, without having to commit to something longterm: Youngstown is starting a new push to get the word out about its Civic Partnerships Program, in which it’s an “incubating hub” for start-up arts programs. The push was announced earlier this week at an event celebrating the success of performance-art group Saint Genet, whose director Ryan Mitchell is at left in our photo below with Youngstown director David Bestock:

At a Monday night reception at Youngstown, they talked about the Civic Partnerships Program, which offers the use of Youngstown space and “some gear or equipment” for “dance, theater, visual art, music production, culinary arts, or any creative endeavor that offers a good fit,” on a quarterly agreement, instead of requiring tenancy. Saint Genet used Youngstown space for choreography in one of its recent works, “Paradisiacal Rites.” If you’re interested in applying for a Civic Partnership at Youngstown, you can contact Bestock at

Marriage-equality rulings: West Seattle notes; downtown rally

Side notes to the U.S. Supreme Court rulings today on marriage equality:

OVERTURNED DONUTS: This photo is being shared by West Seattle’s King County Councilmember Joe McDermott – whose note on the box declares them to be “Overturned Donuts to Celebrate Overturning DOMA” (the Defense of Marriage Act, struck down in one of today’s rulings). (added) His official statement on today’s rulings:

“I am filled with simply overwhelming pride today as the US Supreme Court overturns DOMA!

“King County has been a leader in equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, so it was with sheer joy that my fiancé Michael and I celebrated with hundreds of couples as King County issued the first marriage licenses to same sex couples in the state last December. Now the federal government will treat those couples equally as well! This equality extends from military couples to seniors on Social Security, reaching so many hardworking families and providing them the security they deserve.

“This will indeed be a happy Pride Weekend!”

KING COUNTY EXECUTIVE’S STATEMENT: County Executive Dow Constantine is also among the local leaders who have issued statements today:

“I am pleased and proud that the Supreme Court has officially recognized the civil rights of same-sex couples, rights that Washington State voters embraced last year.

Being able to issue the first marriage licenses to happy same-sex couples was one of the highlights of my career. Thankfully, it appears that there will be many more such joyful moments as our nation moves, sometimes slowly, sometimes quickly, ever closer to the ideals announced at our founding. I am proud of King County and Washington State for helping to nudge the nation toward justice.”

PRIDE PARADE GRAND MARSHALS: This Sunday is the Seattle Pride Parade, and West Seattle’s trailblazing couple Jane Lighty and Pete-e Petersen – first to get a marriage license when they became available last December, one month after the statewide marriage-equality vote – are among the grand marshals, as is another West Seattleite, Sarah Toce, founder and editor-in-chief of online publication The Seattle Lesbian. Her site is where we found out about …

RALLY TONIGHT DOWNTOWN: There’s a 5 pm rally to celebrate the Supreme Court rulings, outside the U.S. Court of Appeals, 1010 Fifth Avenue downtown.

ADDED WEDNESDAY NIGHT: A photo from Steph Brusig‘s gallery of scenes from that rally, with a turnout estimated by organizers at more than 300:

Steph’s gallery is on Facebook, here.

Remembering Linnea Long, ‘Erik’s mom,’ steadfast friend, & more

The family of Linnea Long, gone too soon at 60, shares this remembrance with the community:

On May 9, 2013, Linnea opened the door to yesterday, walked through, and the door closed behind her.

Linnea was born in Inglewood, California, in December 1952, to a WWII veteran father and a mother who was often mistaken for Doris Day. She was the middle child in a family of two girls and a boy. Linnea grew up in the South Bay of Los Angeles and loved to ride her bike along the Strand. When she moved north with her husband David Benton in the 1980s, they eventually settled in Alki, after a short stay on 38th Ave SW east of Jefferson Square. Linnea would often jog along the beach, quickly becoming a nodding acquaintance of many. She would ride her bike to the Water Taxi and then to work. At lunch she would ride up to Interbay and after work, ride home along Alki.

Linnea was a strong and protective mom who made sure that her son Erik knew he was both wanted and loved. Erik attended Schmitz Park, Explorer West, and Seattle Lutheran High School before he moved onto Western Washington University. Many may know her as “Erik’s Mom,” Linnea was also a steadfast friend to many over the years and she was both loyal and supportive. Linnea helped sponsor and serve on the Cormorant Cove and Constellation Park Steering Committees, and encouraged her family to do so as well. Linnea loved living in Alki, and named the house “Close Enough,” meaning that it was close enough to a beach for her and her family. Many beaches she enjoyed in addition to Alki were Manhattan Beach, Newport Beach, and Cannon Beach.

After her family, at the heart of Linnea’s life were books; whether seated on a kitchen stool or relaxing in a beach chair, Linnea would read. After becoming a “recovering attorney” after many years employed in private practice and at Time Oil as corporate counsel, she went back to the UW and obtained a second graduate degree in Information Sciences and reincarnated her second career as a Special Librarian while still remaining a member of the Bar. She joined Avvo in early 2007 and served as Content Acquisition Manager, helping the company grow to become the leading web-based source for information about legal matters and lawyer qualifications.

Linnea continued working while her cancer spread, determined not to be a victim, but to keep on being a mom to Erik and wife to David. Her family and her good friend Laurie D’Allesandro aided her in her fight. She managed the struggle until early May 2013. She is survived by her husband, her son, her brother, John Long, and her sister Colleen Campbell.

There will be no formal religious service, and in lieu of flowers, her family asks that donations in her name be made to the Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education at

West Seattle Weather Watch: Thunderstorms possible again today

The thunderstorms that led to a big West Seattle power outage seemed to come out of nowhere yesterday – but today, the National Weather Service is issuing early warning that similar storm bursts are possible; here’s the Special Weather Statement that’s in effect. If nothing else, make sure your phone’s charged! On the truly bright side, the Special Weather Statement also says warm, sunny weather is on the way for the weekend.


June 26, 2013 6:03 am
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(Live view from the east-facing WS Bridge camera; other cameras are on the WSB Traffic page)
And the commute is on. Heads up for later today – the National Weather Service says there’s a chance of more thunderstorms this afternoon/evening. Here’s hoping anything that happens won’t be as intense as Tuesday!

MIDDAY UPDATE: Thanks to the person who tipped us to a bus stalled in the outside lane on the bridge. Turned out not to be a traffic problem – we drove by it shortly afterward – but it really helps to know.

West Seattle sports: WSHS basketball camp for 4th-9th graders

June 26, 2013 5:15 am
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Coach Keffrey Fazio from West Seattle High School has announced that WSHS is offering a two-day basketball camp next month, no advance registration required – you can sign up at the door. It’s for 4th through 9th graders, girls and boys, 9 am-4 pm on Friday, July 19th, and 10 am-2 pm on Saturday, July 20th. More details on the official flyer, and online at