West Seattle weekend scene: Coast Guard offshore

Thanks to David Schneider for sharing the photo, taken today off Beach Drive. He writes, “Looks like they were practicing today. Saw what looks like Coast Guard helicopter hovering just 50+ feet off the water, then dropping line to a boat below…” No incidents reported that we’ve heard of, so training is the likely explanation.

SIDE NOTE: The Coast Guard website spotlights USCG response in the aftermath of the bombings in Boston – noting that Boston is “uniquely a maritime city” (which certainly could be said of Seattle as well).

2 Replies to "West Seattle weekend scene: Coast Guard offshore"

  • Karen April 21, 2013 (5:10 pm)

    We watched this for some time this afternoon as we took the ferry from Southworth to Vashon and then West Seattle. They were out near the Southworth dock and moved all over out there. The whole time the helicopter was flying low over the boat. It was very impressive to watch.

  • Rvesdocs April 21, 2013 (7:59 pm)

    Very proud of our Coast Guard. Semper paratus!

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