Celebrate ‘Tax-Free’ Day, Earth Day, Record Store Day in The Junction tomorrow

April 19, 2013 4:59 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle news

BIG day on Saturday in The Junction:

TAX-FREE DAY: It’s an April tradition – big day of discounts, with participating businesses pledging 10 percent off, to, in effect, pick up the tax bill. The updated list of participants is here – note that along with 10%-off retailers, the list includes food and drink establishments that are offering special deals.

EARTH DAY: Both tomorrow and Sunday, Fleurt (WSB sponsor) is celebrating Earth Day (weekend) by giving you a free mini-plant if you recycle a vase or planter.

RECORD STORE DAY: Always a big day at Easy Street Records, but even bigger this year because their original West Seattle store is now their one and only. Lots of special features during the day – here’s the update they just e-mailed.

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