From the Total Experience Gospel Choir (above) to the Chief Sealth International High School Choir (below) …

… to student/pro collaborations like Septimus with the Denny International Middle School Jazz Band:

… last night’s third annual “Soul Jambalaya” (free, with donations benefiting the Denny and Sealth music programs) “was truly incredible,” reports Denny principal Jeff Clark (who also shared the photos):
Congratulations to the Denny and Sealth Jazz Band and Choir students! A huge thank you to our guests from Septimus and the Total Experience Gospel Choir!
This musical celebration is the creation of our inspirational band director, Mr. Marcus Pimpleton. He described the thinking behind this amazing event this way:
“Three years ago, I had the opportunity to take a group of Denny students to the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival’s ‘Jazz is Blues and Sacred Roots Concert.’ That concert, through the language of music, provided students with a musical history lesson connecting the jazz music our students study in their school ensembles to its musical roots in the blues and to the spiritual songs of hardship and struggle that grew initially out of the experience of negro slaves … My primary hope in organizing Soul Jambalaya is to recreate that synergy that I felt that night at Hampton, to expose my students to the music they may have limited experience with, and in the tradition of Black History Month, to celebrate the influence of African-American music styles to the musical landscape of America.”
Thank you, Mr. Pimpleton, for bringing that synergy and celebration to our scholars and our community!