Update: Police-fire response south of The Junction

1:02 PM: In case you are seeing the big police/fire response south of The Junction, near Rite-Aid, in the 4300 block of SW Hudson – police are dealing with a reported shooting, possibly self-inflicted. The call is minutes old; more to come.

1:10 PM: Police are still trying to figure out what’s going on – if the call was for real, and if so, what the caller’s status is. Per the scanner (we have a crew en route) they were closing some nearby streets as a precaution.

1:17 PM: WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand reports from the scene that a patient has been brought out of the house, and is being moved to an aid unit. No word on the circumstances – that’ll take a while for police to sort out – or the man’s condition.

1:26 PM: The fire units are being dismissed except for Medic 32, which will take the man to Harborview Medical Center. The street closures should be cleared fairly soon too, since police have established at this point that the situation is stable and there’s no danger. Lt. Ron Smith of the Southwest Precinct is on scene and our crew is talking with him now to see what else they know.

1:32 PM: According to Lt. Smith: The man called 911 twice, first threatening self-harm, then saying he had shot himself. When officers got to the door, he let them in, but had an obvious gunshot wound and he is now en route to the hospital.

*Our customary reminder: If you or someone you know is thinking or talking about suicide – Crisis Clinic is available 24/7 – 206-461-3222.

7 Replies to "Update: Police-fire response south of The Junction"

  • lyndab February 10, 2013 (1:08 pm)

    I can see the cop cars rolling past home depot really fast. Went to the blog to find out. thanks!

  • breezygirl February 10, 2013 (1:14 pm)

    We live half a block away and we were wondering what was going on! Thanks for reporting it so quickly!

  • Dave February 10, 2013 (1:18 pm)

    Hudson is completely blocked off from California to Erskine. I just went to see my family there and couldn’t get in. Saw police automatic weapons drawn and bullhorns were blaring at a house about midway on the north side.

  • Matt C February 10, 2013 (1:19 pm)

    This was going on right next door to me. The police were on the megaphone saying “put down the gun and come out with your hands up” and then there were gunshots, followed by sirens racing away a couple minutes later. Frankly, I’ve been staying away from the windows or I might have heard more. Isn’t West Seattle just a great place to be these days? :sigh:

    • WSB February 10, 2013 (1:26 pm)

      To stress, that was all because police had NO idea what they were dealing with. The guy himself apparently made the original call and reported having shot himself … but until police could get there and verify, it could have been anything. It’s definitely wrapping up – a lieutenant is about to talk to us so we should have a little more info shortly. – TR

  • ~~HockeyWitch~~ February 10, 2013 (1:35 pm)

    Saw SEVERAL police cars flying down the hill on Morgan.. Tried to get the scanner on to see what was going on, but was having some issues. Sad to hear about the man feeling like he needed to shoot himself… But glad that no one else was hurt. Hope the man can get the help he needs to not feel like that anymore.

  • CEA February 10, 2013 (2:56 pm)

    I hope he’s okay. Thanks for adding the postscript about the suicide crisis line. Life can be tough – we all need a hand.

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