In case you didn’t see that photo last night on the WSB Facebook page, we wanted to share it here too – Kevin Schafer sent the first otter-sighting photo in a while, from right in the heart of the beach business district. Meantime, a quick reminder about five major events tonight, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
WEST SEATTLE ART WALK: 6-9 pm tonight, from Alki to Gatewood! Two dozen venues are participating this time around – here’s the winter-quarter walking map, and here’s the official website, with previews from many venues.
DESC ADVISORY COMMITTEE TONIGHT: Construction is under way for the 66-unit homeless-housing building in the 5400 block of Delridge Way SW, but there are still issues to discuss and decisions to make, long before it is completed and opened. Tonight is another chance for community members to come hear updates and ask questions at the Advisory Committee‘s meeting – 6:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center (4408 Delridge Way SW) – here’s the agenda.
NEW GENESEE HILL SCHOOL’S DESIGN: The Genesee-Schmitz Neighborhood Council meets tonight at Schmitz Park Elementary for a look at the “initial conceptual design” of the new school planned for the Genesee Hill Elementary site. 7 pm, 5000 SW Spokane, details on the GSNC website.
BENEFIT FOR CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL: Chief Sealth students Chloe and Tia are organizing a student variety show at 7 pm tonight at Youngstown (4408 Delridge SW) as their senior project, benefiting Seattle Children’s Hospital. Details in our preview from earlier this morning.
JUNCTION FLATS DESIGN REVIEW: 8 pm tonight at the Senior Center of West Seattle (California/Oregon), Junction Flats – a 71-apartment project proposed for 4433 42nd SW – gets its first review. See our preview from last night, which now includes a link to the design “packet,” which the city didn’t post online until this morning.
EVEN MORE OF WHAT’S UP TODAY/TONIGHT … including live music and wine tastings tonight … on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar.