Almost a year after the deadly shooting of 35-year-old Travis Hood alongside Morgan Junction Park, a trial date has just been set for his alleged killer. May 1st is the trial date set for the man arrested at his Gatewood home shortly after the deadly shooting on January 21, 2012. He continues to refuse to confirm that he is Lovett Chambers, the name by which he has been charged; today’s court documents and others preceding them have been signed with an X and a notation that they were signed “by the person alleged to be Lovett Chambers.” Also at this afternoon’s hearing in King County Superior Court, a pre-trial readiness hearing was set for March 24th. Chambers was charged with first-degree murder last year and pleaded not guilty in February 2012. According to investigators, the victim and alleged killer were strangers to each other but had both been in a nearby bar until moments before the shooting, for which no clear motive has been suggested; the reported circumstances were detailed at length in our report on the charge filed against Chambers last year.
West Seattle, Washington
04 Tuesday