year : 2012 3917 results

West Seattle Crime Watch: Car prowlers/vandals, again

We have multiple reports this morning of another street where parked cars were hit by prowlers/vandals – FLS reported at least two in the 37th SW/Hanford vicinity – “windows smashed in, vehicle ransacked.” Police were on their way when he e-mailed us earlier. Rena mentioned it on the WSB Facebook page, too. Earlier this week, at least half a dozen cars were vandalized on Beach Drive, according to this report from Beach Drive Blog. Even if damage wasn’t too serious and nothing was taken, police ask that you do file a report for these types of crimes, which at least helps them track trends and figure out where to focus more patrol resources.

Explore the U.S. civil-rights movement @ SSCC

February 3, 2012 10:37 am
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From South Seattle Community College:

The U.S. Civil Rights Movement will be explored in a fascinating, four-course, non-credit series of classes offered by South Seattle Community College’s Continuing Education department.

South instructor Allen Stowers facilitates this exploration of the social justice movement from the early colonies to present day struggles. In-depth conversation and study of the formation of strategies, efforts and outcomes of the movement will be highlighted by specific focuses on Native American, Latino American, Asian American and African American struggles. Guest speakers, all former civil rights workers, will add their personal and historical perspectives to each session.

Classes may be taken separately or as a series. Each class meets from 9 am – 12 pm Saturday, on the South Seattle Community College campus. Cost for the four-class series is $99; taken individually, cost is $29 per class.

Saturday, February 25 Native American Civil Rights Movement
Saturday, March 3 Latino American Rights Movement
Saturday, March 10 Asian American Civil Rights Movement
Saturday, March 17 African American Civil Rights Movement
Register online at, or call (260) 934-5339 for more information.

West Seattle Friday: Soccer; marionettes; music; traffic…

February 3, 2012 9:12 am
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From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

(Photo courtesy WSSC)
WEST SEATTLE SOCCER CLUB REGISTRATION STARTS: It’s opening day for registration for WSSC’s “Champions League” spring soccer season. Go to and click the “registration” link on the left side. It’s an 8-game season, April 1-June 10, all games played Sunday afternoons (but no games on Easter, Mother’s Day, or Memorial Day weekend). Registration open for players 5-12, $50 for U-6 and U-7, $60 for U-8 to U-13, includes jersey (player gets to keep it after the season).

GRAND OPENING: Photosynthesis Massage/Boutique, home of Moving Massage, grand opening, 6-9 pm 3225 California SW. From FB: “Come to our grand opening party, to celebrate our newly-renovated, beautiful massage and skin care joint! We will have food, wine, music, art, gift certificates, and amazing jewelry by local artist Penguina Designs …”

WINE TASTING: At Bin 41, from 6-7:30 pm: Reininger, from the Walla Walla Valley. From the Bin: “Swing by to meet Justin Vajgert from the winery as we explore a line-up of Reininger wines with you including a 2000 vintage library wine available for reservation during the tasting only!”

(Photo courtesy Lisa Gluckman)
LIVE THEATER #1: West Seattle High School Drama Club presents “Year of the Duck,” student-directed by Tessa Jinneman, 7:30 pm at WSHS Theater, admission $7 at the door. (3000 California SW)

MARIONETTES: Little Pilgrim School hosts the mother-daughter team of “Puppets Please Marionettes” at 7:00 pm in Fellowship Hall at Fauntleroy Church, 9140 California SW. ( ). Child-sized marionettes with lots of audience interaction and participation. Everyone is welcome! As much fun for adults as they are for the kids (and a surprise ending!) $5 per family donation at the door. (206)932-5600.

LIVE THEATER, #2: At ArtsWest – “All Through the Night,” 7:30 pm. Tickets available online or at the box office, which opens today at noon.

MUSIC: 8-10 pm @ Salty’s on Alki, singer/songwriter Barbie Anaka with a mix of classic and contemporary jazz, in the lounge, no cover … 8:30 pm, Dirty Rice with Charlie Heinemann & The Repeat Offenders at The Benbow Room at the Heartland Café – here’s the Facebook eventAt Skylark Café and Club, Nine N Out, Whiskey Radio, Skullbot at 9 pm …

BRIDGE CLOSURES CONTINUE TONIGHT: Same pattern as the last four weeknights – Fauntleroy Expressway (info here) and eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct (SDOT announcement here), both scheduled for 9 pm-5 am.

West Seattle traffic: Bridge crash cleared

(Refresh for latest image from SDOT camera)
7:40 AM: Just getting word of this via multiple sources – multiple-car crash on the eastbound bridge, and at least one of the cars is facing the wrong way. Our most recent call says the bus lane and exit lane are blocked.

7:56 AM UPDATE: Good news – the scene has been cleared. (If there are any other traffic problems in the next hour or so of the commute, we’ll add them here.)

8:26 AM: There’s a report of a crash at 8th/Cloverdale involving a trash truck and an SUV. No word of any injuries but it’s said to be impending traffic to some degree.

Reader report: Teen finds ‘mystery gift’ on West Seattle bench

Out of the WSB inbox tonight, that photo and this note:

My name is Gabriella and I am 15 years old. I wanted to share my experience because I found it touching and very sweet.

While on a bike ride to take photos today, I found a gift sitting on a bench with a note attached that read “To the finder of this gift” overlooking the Seattle skyline near Salty’s.

I sat on the bench and opened the card, which was from a woman remembering her younger sister today, which would have been her 59th birthday. The woman shared her younger sister’s interests, accomplishments and love of life, and how she died suddenly in 2001 due to a pulmonary embolism from a foot injury. The gift was left at this location because her sister’s ashes were scattered on Alki and she loved the view of the skyline.

In the letter, the writer asked the finder of the gift to please express their love to those they care about. She also said that she learned that “all our love, memories, and connections are still there as true and strong as ever” even after death. The writer expressed her deep love for her sister and that the best parts of her are still with her.

I hope the writer of this letter sees this and knows how much it touched me.

P.S. The gift was a LED head lamp for riding and was with a card that read, “May a luminous dream light the way.”

Thank you, Gabriella

FRIDAY NIGHT POSTSCRIPT: Our friends at KING 5 read this too, and asked if we could put them in touch with Gabriella. Here’s the resulting story.

WS Crime Watch: Message to ‘scumbags’; warning for neighbors

Two reader reports tonight, both with messages – to neighbors, and to crooks. First one’s from Jennifer in Gatewood:

Our neighbor that lives on SW Elmgrove, just east of California had their home burglarized in broad daylight on January 31st. The thieves took electronics, higher end clothing and purses, jewelry, etc. Although neighbors were home during the day and 1 noticed the back door of the house open for several hours, no one seems to have seen or heard a thing. Fortunately, our neighbors chocolate lab did not run away, even with the door open.

I am reporting this incident in the blog for 2 reasons: 1) I think it is important for neighbors to know what is happening in our community and 2) I hope these scum bags read the blog and know that we are on alert – move on to another target!!!

This one’s from Adriana, and it also happened on Tuesday:

My husband’s Toyota Tacoma was broken into around 11 PM. We live on 37th inbetween Dakota and Genesee. My husband parks his truck in the back in our driveway off the alley behind our house. He went down into his office right around 11 PM and before he turned on the light, he noticed that his truck light was on and the door was open. Before he really thought about it, he pounded on the window in his office and then opened it and yelled at the people in his truck.

The two men ran down the alley and my husband called the police. They were very quick to respond but since it was dark my husband could not give a very detailed description of the two men. They only stole a hunting type knife he had in his console. We are unsure as to how they entered the truck, there were no windows broken or lock damage (the truck was locked). They were two men probably in their early to mid-20’s, dressed in dark clothes and of average height and weight. As of yet no one was found. We hope that this is the first and last time our neighborhood sees this kind of crime. I’m pretty sure these guys were scared out of their minds, and they must have been pretty confident if they thought 11PM was late enough to start their break-ins!. Be on the lookout and don’t forget to lock up your cars and turn on your alarms!

Followup: Sea lion found dead in West Seattle was shot twice

You’ve probably heard reports about more sea lions shot to death in this region, since we first reported Seal Sittersannouncement that the sea lion found at Lincoln Park was a shooting victim. (Photo is from 1/23, taken by WSB reader RyAnn as the sea lion drew onlookers.) Tonight, Seal Sitters’ Robin Lindsey has new information: “Radiographs show that the West Seattle sea lion was also shot in the head in addition to the left lung lobe.” Robin says that although different numbers are in circulation, as of tonight, there are EIGHT confirmed deaths of sea lions and seals from bullet wounds. She’s publishing the newest, most accurate information to the group’s “Blubberblog” site, with “the latest information from our stranding experts and biologist … (We) will keep everyone updated as information is released to the public.” See the newest update here. (P.S. As Seal Sitters mentions in their update, a $10,000 reward to solve the killings is being offered by the Sea Shepherd Society.)

West Seattle Grand Parade: Can you chip in again this year?

Before you can see pirates and floats and royalty and classic cars and community groups strolling and rolling down the West Seattle Grand Parade route in midsummer, it takes a lot of work by West Seattle’s American Legion Post 160 parade coordinators – andm again this year, it’s going to take some monetary help from the community.

You might recall that last year was the first year that the city required organizations like Post 160 to cover the costs of no-parking signage along the parade route. It’s not cheap. This year, they’ll have to do it again. So Dave Vague asked us to share the request for your help:

The West Seattle American Legion Grand Parade is set for Saturday, July 21, 2012. Like last year, we are needing to turn to the West Seattle community to raise funds to help us put the parade on. We are trying to raise $5,000 this year to cover the expenses of putting up the street barricades, city permits, and trophies for the winning entries.

Donations can be sent to:
West Seattle American Legion Post 160
3618 SW Alaska St
Seattle, WA 98126
(206) 935-9407
or you can donate online at the parade website:

The parade doesn’t charge entry fees – if it did, it would have to pay a much higher price for permits, which would wipe out any benefit and any way of making a dent in this cost. They secured some community sponsorships last year, but individual donations also can make quite a difference in keeping this decades-old tradition alive. (The online-donation link goes to a page with a PayPal button; you can use PayPal without having a PP account – just scroll till you see the “pay with credit card” option.)

The NEXT bridge crunch; bike/pedestrian path alert; more, @ Viaduct South Portal Working Group briefing

(Spokane Street Viaduct construction photo, from presentation at Wednesday meeting)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

Get ready for another traffic crunch on the Spokane Street Viaduct section of the West Seattle Bridge. That was one of the toplines from Wednesday’s meeting of the South Portal Working Group, an advisory group convened mostly on behalf of the ongoing Alaskan Way Viaduct/Tunnel work, but typically briefed on other major road projects affecting our side of the city, so we usually cover this group’s quarterly meetings as a place to get MEGA-EARLY heads-up.

First – if you want to cut to the chase, here’s the entire 42-page presentation given to the group, covering the north and central area progress on 99 as well as components of more interest here. Tons of information.

Now, back to that aforementioned crunch: According to SDOT, sometime next month, all Spokane Street Viaduct traffic will have to be shifted onto the new north-side structure, so that work can be done on the old south-side structure for at least six weeks. When that happens, there will be three traffic lanes – one eastbound, and two westbound.

More on that – and other toplines from the meeting, including some discussion of last week’s eastbound bridge-closure backups, ahead:Read More

West Seattle road work: SW Myrtle repaving ahead

Working on a couple of transportation-related stories to publish before the day’s done, we happened onto another one: February 18-19 are the dates set for repaving three blocks of SW Myrtle just south of High Point Community Center and Walt Hundley Playfield, east of the work just done on 35th itself between Myrtle and Othello. From SDOT:

Crews will be grinding and re-paving SW Myrtle St between 35th Ave SW and 32nd Ave SW through the weekend. Expect lane closures. Sidewalks will remain open. Buses will be rerouted around the area.

This is from the SDOT Seattle-Area Construction Lookahead – which has lots of other dates and locations of upcoming work, including the ongoing overnight West Seattle Bridge closures; see it here.

Update: Bicycle rider collides with car door, taken to hospital

(UPDATED 2:51 PM with new information on injuries, circumstances)

12:19 PM: South of Morgan Junction, California SW is partly blocked near SW Myrtle (by Caffe Ladro; map) because of an incident involving a bicyclist. We’re at the scene to find out more.

12:25 PM UPDATE: Police tell us the bicyclist was heading southbound on California – uphill – south of the intersection when he collided with a car door. The rider was going to be transported by private ambulance, but then was moved to a medic unit. We don’t yet know the extent of his injuries.

12:32 PM UPDATE: The scene is clearing, and California SW is fully open again, according to our crew at the scene.

2:51 PM UPDATE: Seattle Fire Department spokesperson Kyle Moore tells WSB the bike rider is 30 years old and “was traveling approximately 25 miles an hour down the street when a car door opened in front of him causing him to flip over the door. He was not wearing a helmet. He remained conscious and responsive but could not remember the accident. He also had some facial lacerations. Our medics treated him and transported him to Harborview in stable condition.”

West Seattle scene: USS Shoup heads home

February 2, 2012 12:14 pm
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Thanks to Bob A. in North Admiral for photographing the destroyer USS Shoup in Elliott Bay. Our partners at the Times reported earlier this week that the Shoup is heading home to Everett this week after seven months of work at Vigor Shipyards on Harbor Island.

Design Review date set for proposed South Delridge project

Also from land-use land this morning: The Southwest Design Review Board finally has another meeting more meetings on its schedule (which has been sporadic since development slowed a few years back). It’s tentatively scheduled to meet March 8th to discuss what’s described on the city website as a three-story, 20-unit residential building proposed for 9051 20th SW (map). The site currently holds an old house that went through foreclosure in 2010 (county photo at left) and was bought by the developers for $137,500 last year. No meeting location listed yet. (added) Since first publishing this story, we also discovered a March 22nd date set for the second design review on the DESC project at 5444 Delridge Way SW (see this earlier story).

DESC Delridge project: Comments till Feb. 15; Design Review on March 22

10:59 AM:The main point of the big sign that’s up on the site of the planned 66-unit DESC homeless-housing project at 5444 Delridge is to let people in the area know that the land-use-permit application is officially in, and that this is their chance to send the city comments. And in fact, the only West Seattle item on the Land Use Information Bulletin circulated this morning by the city is official electronic notice of this – including a February 15th deadline for comments. Here’s the notice; here’s the e-mail comment form. One other update: The North Delridge Neighborhood Council website now features the newest information on the community advisory committee that will “gather input and prioritize the neighborhood’s concerns …” The date for its first community meeting is not finalized yet, though.

11:46 AM UPDATE: The date for the DESC project’s next Design Review meeting IS tentatively set, however, we just discovered – 8 pm on March 22nd. (No location listed yet.)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Robbers target pot grower

Heard fragments of this one on the scanner late last night, and now Seattle Police have just published details on SPD Blotter: One arrest followed a “home-invasion”-type robbery in the Westwood area:

The victim is a licensed medical marijuana grower and user. On February 1st at 9:45 pm, he answered a knock at the door of his home in the 8600 block of 24 Av SW [map]. Upon opening the door, he was suddenly “bum rushed” by four males who stormed inside. One of the suspects described as a white male was armed with a handgun and threw the victim down onto the ground.

The victim was ordered to place his arms behind his back and he was immediately handcuffed. The suspects demanded money and marijuana. The suspect placed a knee in the victim’s back holding him down onto the ground, while the others went through the house. The suspect repeatedly told him not to move or he would shoot him.

More ahead:Read More

West Seattle Thursday: More school open houses; nightlife too

February 2, 2012 9:00 am
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Happy Thursday! From the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

BRIDGE CLOSURES CONTINUE TONIGHT: Same pattern as the last three weeknights – Fauntleroy Expressway (info here) and eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct (SDOT announcement here), both scheduled for 9 pm-5 am. Especially with the Fauntleroy Expressway (west end of the bridge) work, the closure zones and effects sometimes shift, so just be sure to allot some extra time if you are planning to use the high-rise bridge in other direction late at night/early in the morning.

LIBRARY STORY TIMES: Three toddler/preschool story times at three library branches in West Seattle between 11 and noon this morning – times/locations on the Seattle Public Library calendar.

WEST SEATTLE MONTESSORI OPEN HOUSE Open house tonight at West Seattle Montessori School (WSB sponsor), 6:30-8 pm. From the announcement: “We currently have five preschool/kindergarten Montessori classrooms, three Montessori first-through-third grade classrooms, a transitional Montessori fourth & fifth grade classroom, as well as a high-school preparatory sixth-through-eighth grade middle school.” All welcome. (11215 15th SW)

MADISON OPEN HOUSE: 6:30-8 pm open house tonight at Madison Middle School (3429 45th SW)

WSHS STUDENT-DIRECTED PLAY: West Seattle High School Drama Club presents “Year of the Duck,” student-directed by Tessa Jinneman, 7:30 pm at WSHS Theater, admission $7 at the door. (3000 California SW)

DENNY MEET-AND-GREET: Denny International Middle School parent and guardian meet-and-greet event at Endolyne Joe’s from 7-9 pm. Sponsored by the Denny PTSA. (9261 45th SW)

NIGHTLIFE: At The Bridge: Free Poker on Thursdays … From Beveridge Place Pub – Full Sail Brewing is featured for “Thirsty Thursday,” with head brewer John Harris on hand, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm.

Traffic update: 4th Ave. S. open again after crash closure

(Nearest SDOT cam, 4th/Michigan, looking toward 1st S Bridge)
8:33 AM: We’re getting heads-up from commuters out of West Seattle that this is causing trouble for those who use 4th Avenue South, south of downtown: Seattle Police just tweeted that all lanes of 4th in the 4800 block are still closed for a crash investigation. (The crash went out before 7 am as an “automobile rescue,” though the Seattle Fire portion of the call has cleared.) So if you drive that way via the 1st South Bridge or otherwise – consider a different route. (And if you come through the area and find it reopened, please let us know – once you can safely text, call or e-mail. Traffic updates and breaking news always welcome 24/7!)

11:11 AM UPDATE: Seattle Police and SDOT both say all lanes are open again.

11:39 AM UPDATE: Thanks to Debora for sharing the Seattle Times (WSB partner) link with some details on the crash – a woman had to be rescued from her wrecked car after crossing the center line and hitting two trash trucks, the Times reports.

West Seattle schools: Celebrations at Seattle Lutheran

Wednesday was a day to celebrate athletics, academics, family, and community at Seattle Lutheran High School – all in one assembly. Above, three generations of West Seattle’s Menashe family were at SLHS as its gym was dedicated as the Menashe Family Gymnasium. Jack and Linda Menashe have been involved with SLHS since its start, with four children, one daughter-in-law and seven nieces and nephews going there; Jack, Jacob and Jack Jr. all have coached at Lutheran, per SLHS’s Bil Hood, who says, “We are honored to have our gym named after this great family.”

In that very gym, at the same Wednesday assembly, two-time state Soccer Player of the Year, Ashley Shaw, ceremoniously signed her Letter of Intent to play for Seattle Pacific University:

That’s proud mom Teresa watching as her daughter makes the college commitment. And the four additional pictures ahead are in honor of academic awards given out at the same assembly – read on:Read More

High-school basketball: Sealth vs. WSHS, night 2

February 1, 2012 11:52 pm
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For the second consecutive night, West Seattle High School hosted Chief Sealth International HS for a varsity-basketball matchup. Tonight, the girls played – and as with last night’s boys’ game, Sealth came away with the win. Details ahead:Read More

West Seattle schools: Madison gets Macs, and more

Thursday night, Madison Middle School welcomes prospective families to come visit for an Open House, 6:30-8 pm. If you go, you might want to ask about their new high-tech acquisitions – here’s the update the school wanted to share:

There are some exciting new advances in technology happening at Madison Middle School this year. Thanks to funding from Madison Middle School, Madison PTSA, the Frazier Foundation, and the Gerston family, Madison got a brand new Mac computer lab for their multi-media communication class taught by Curt Gerston. The 32 brand new Mac computers are all loaded with the latest versions of Adobe Photoshop, i-Movie, and Microsoft Office. They also have three class sets of digital cameras for photography and video.

Thanks also to a grant from the Madison PTSA, the Madison Middle School library now has new e-Readers that will be available for student use. With this funding, Madison will also be purchasing a mobile lab of Netbooks that can travel around to classrooms for research use and word processing. This mobile lab will not only allow teachers to access technology when the library computer labs at school are already occupied, but it will also give the librarian at Madison the chance to bring her library services, including teaching research and information literacy skills, directly to the classroom. Staff at Madison are very excited about the great opportunities this new technology is opening up for students at Madison Middle School.

Madison is at 3429 45th SW.

Arbor Heights water-main improvements to start soon

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

The city’s work to replace undersized water mains in Arbor Heights – a problem spotlighted by water-supply trouble during a house fire last August – is expected to start this month.

That’s part of what Seattle Public Utilities told more than 60 residents who gathered for a community briefing/Q-A session last week at Arbor Heights Community Church, barely a block from the home that burned August 27th.

The first work will be on a relatively small stretch along Roxbury:

But the rest of it – see the full map here – won’t happen until this fall. Why the gap? That’s part of what was explained.

Read More

From the Legislature: Marriage-equality passes State Senate

In case you haven’t heard – the marriage-equality bill has just passed the State Senate, 28-21, and now goes to the State House. It was announced at the Southwest District Council meeting that we’re currently covering at South Seattle Community College – and generated a round of applause. Our state would become the 7th to legalize same-sex marriage; more from our partners at the Seattle Times.

ADDED 8:33 PM: Local leaders are starting to share their reaction – first, West Seattle-residing King County Executive Dow Constantine – read on:Read More

Update: Fairmount Springs fire blamed on ‘food on stove’


(WSB reader video added 5:38 pm, courtesy Lola Peters)
5:16 PM: Fire crews have just arrived and already are saying the fire is under control. It’s in the 5600 block of Fauntleroy, near Fairmount Park. Fauntleroy is being blocked off at Findlay because of the fire units. More to come.

5:22 PM UPDATE: The response is being downgraded to what SFD calls a 2 + 1 + 1 – they’re canceling several of the units. Still avoid the area for a while. No injuries are reported.

5:38 PM UPDATE: Southbound Fauntleroy Way has just reopened.

5:55 PM UPDATE: Fire crews tell us at the scene that this started as a kitchen fire, and the flames spread to the roof. Nobody was home when it started. Investigators aren’t sure yet what caught fire in the kitchen – it’s not safe for them to go onside yet.

THURSDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: From Seattle Fire spokesperson Kyle Moore:

(The fire) was caused by unattended food on the stove, according to a Seattle Fire Investigator. The kitchen fire caused an estimated $45,000 in damage to the home located in the 5600 block of Fauntleroy Way SW.

Ladder Company 11 arrived at 5:08 p.m. to find smoke coming from the roof of a locked 1-story home.

Engine Company 37 and 36 joined firefighters from Ladder 11 to perform an aggressive attack on the fire and quickly contained the flames to the kitchen area. The fire burned the kitchen cabinets and extended into the attic. The flames were completely extinguished in 10 minutes.

Firefighters remained stationed outside the home until 11 p.m. to ensure the flames did not reignite.