Seattle Public Schools staff is suggesting consideration of the former EC Hughes Elementary School in Sunrise Heights as the permanent home for K-5 STEM at Boren, once Westside School (WSB sponsor) moves out. That’s one of the capacity-management – as in, crowding relief – recommendations on which the School Board will be briefed at a work session tomorrow night, according to a document made public today. The document also says staff is NOT recommending moving kindergarteners to Boren to make room, an idea explored in earlier drafts.
Read on for more West Seattle recommendations:
With Hughes suggested for STEM – as reported here last month, Westside plans to buy Hillcrest Presbyterian in Arbor Heights as a permanent site – Fairmount Park Elementary is to be recommended to reopen in fall 2014 as an attendance-area school. (It can’t reopen sooner because it needs renovations, including an 8-classroom addition.)
One portable is suggested for Pathfinder K-8, and 1 or 2 double portables each for Schmitz Park and West Seattle elementaries.
Highland Park and Arbor Heights recommendations are for repurposing existing rooms to be new homerooms, while it’s noted that AH has a homeroom available.
For middle and high schools, Denny International Middle School is recommended for “two double portables” and “reduce the number of choice assignments”; Chief Sealth International High School next door is not recommended for more portables, but it’s recommended that Sealth “reduce number of Open Choice seats in alignment with new program capacity.”
The School Board work session tomorrow is open to the public (6 pm at district HQ in SODO), though there is no public comment period (the district is continuing to accept comments at The final proposal is to be formally introduced at the January 9th board meeting, with a final vote two weeks after that.