We’re not being flip; that’s what police have reminded those attending recent community meetings including the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council this past week: The holidays mean more opportunistic car prowlers on the lookout for loot while you’re out shopping. We have received two car-prowl reports, both from incidents last night. First, a Morgan Junction incident reported by Tara:
I wanted to report a car prowl at the Starbucks location 6501 California Ave SW. Between 9 and 10 (Saturday night), my red Focus had its window smashed and a bag inside taken. Nothing of large monetary value, except for the broken window. Keep an eye out!
And this one in The Junction, reported by Barb:
My friend and I were parking our cars in the parking lot on 42nd SW between Alaska and SW Oregon (behind Windermere) at about 8:50pm
There were 4 people standing by a car with the car doors and trunk open. They told us someone had smashed a window in their car and stole a purse and an iPad. There was so much glass near by it may have also happened to another car too. I don’t know if you could see either item through a window or not.
Please remind people not to leave valuables in their cars no matter where they park. I know everyone should know this but, I was reminded not everyone remembers.
And even if nothing is taken, or nothing much, PLEASE report it to police so they have information on where the car prowlers are working – you can even file a report online (unless stolen property is valued above $500). But we hope you don’t need that link – especially if you take the advice you’ll find by following this one about car-prowl prevention.