Three thefts in West Seattle Crime Watch reader reports tonight – one car, two bicycles. First, from Sally:
I’m sad to say our car was stolen on Thanksgiving night or early the next morning from approximately 34TH & Trenton. It is a black 1997 Subaru Legacy Outback with dark tinted windows, license# AAE6984. It’s listed on the SPD GetYourCarBack page. If anyone sees it, please call 911 to report it.
From Jake:
My Bike was stolen off of my patio (Sunday) night – I live near the 76 gas station on the corner of Andover and California. It is a Flat Gray Giant Bowery Mashup, it has bullhorn handlebars and a beam rack with a black trunk bag. I have attached the most recent photo I have, however it looks a little different now.
If anyone has any information they can contact me at
And from Greg:
Somebody took a mountain bike from the backyard at 52– 42nd ave SW. It had disk brakes, spare tube, and handpump. It was parked under the deck in the backyard, probably done during daylight hours within the last week.