Forecast says we’ll be fogless later. Socked in right now, though, as SDOT/WSDOT cams show (more on the WSB Traffic page). Highlights for today/tonight:
TONIGHT’S TRAFFIC ALERT: Southbound 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct closed from the Battery Street Tunnel to the West Seattle Bridge, 9 pm-5 am.
ARTIST SIGN-UPS: Two events are accepting registrations right now, and both have listings on the WSB West Seattle Events Calendar – follow these links for info: Fauntleroy Fine Art and Gift Fair and the Community Art Showcase at Southwest Library.
CIRCLE OF SINGLES: Those 55 and up interested in friendship, a night out, walking/hiking, and other activities are invited to a meetup at the Heartland Café, 5 pm; details in the calendar listing.
‘GAY AND GRAY?’ So begins the invite for a meeting/social tonight at the Senior Center of West Seattle (California/Oregon) for LGBT adults 50 and over, 6-8 pm.
DELRIDGE COMMUNITY CENTER OPEN HOUSE: Come find out about classes, facilities, and more at your neighborhood community center (on Delridge south of Genesee)! Stop by 6:30-8 pm.
GREEN CLEANING! Learn about it at a class tonight at Chaco Canyon Organic Café, 6:30 pm – call the class leader in advance to make sure there’s room (full details here).
ALKI COMMUNITY COUNCIL: The agenda includes a discussion of the air-traffic-change proposal Greener Skies (latest WSB coverage is here and here), 7 pm at Alki UCC (6112 SW Hinds).
QUEEN, LIVE IN BUDAPEST, ON THE BIG SCREEN: Special screening at The Admiral Theater tonight, 7 pm – the only one in Seattle! Ticket info here.
NIGHTLIFE: The Deep Cuts (DJs!) at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 8 pm … Kurtis Dengler at The Cask, 8 pm … Three bands at Skylark Café and Club, 8 pm … Tonight’s the twice-monthly comedy open mike and showcase at The Benbow Room, signups at 8:30 and show at 9.