Update: Crash by ‘Walking on Logs’ takes out streetlight

12:01 PM: Thanks to the WSB’er who just called to let us know about this crash – a car off the road, and pole knocked down, by Walking on Logs along the west end of the westbound West Seattle Bridge. Fire units have responded; we don’t know yet about injuries, but this is likely to cause some backup on the bridge, so if you are just about to leave downtown or other points east, heading this way, use the Admiral exit instead.

1:48 PM NOTE: The SDOT camera was frozen at 12:12 pm so we can’t tell what’s up at the scene right now – but traffic was getting by, albeit slowly, when we were in the area shortly afterward – here’s the view from the pedestrian overpass, looking north toward the scene:

Information isn’t available yet on whether anyone was hurt.

4:11 PM UPDATE: After hearing a report that the pole knockdown could affect streetlights beyond the one at the pullout, we checked with Seattle City Light. Spokesperson Scott Thomsen says crews won’t know for sure till after dark tonight, so they will be out looking. Meantime, members of the volunteer group that recently installed landscaping at Walking on Logs will be investigating to see if the crash damaged any of their work.

ADDED TUESDAY NIGHT: SFD spokesperson Kyle Moore tells WSB that firefighters checked out two women “who were out of the car by the time firefighters arrived … they declined treatment or transport.”

6 Replies to "Update: Crash by 'Walking on Logs' takes out streetlight"

  • Chris Brady June 5, 2012 (3:37 pm)

    I was to the right and behind the SUV when it fish tailed out of control. So glad everyone was ok, the light pole however went down like a ton of bricks.

  • soosan June 5, 2012 (5:44 pm)

    Am I nuts…or have the lights been out on the westbound side of the bridge for a while now anyway? I often notice this driving home right around the Delridge exit and have been meaning to ask. If so, maybe now City Light will notice?

  • CC June 5, 2012 (7:14 pm)

    There was a dramatic spin out in the exact same place during the morning commute (apprx 7:30 a.m.). That car did a 360 and slammed against the concrete barrier. I wonder if there is something slippery, like oil, on that stretch of roadway…

  • kc June 5, 2012 (10:39 pm)

    Yes, I saw the Mustang crash this morning in the exact same place. It fish tailed and spun out and hit the concrete wall backwards right next to my driver side door as I was headed East. It scared the @#$%&* out of me.

  • Silly Goose June 6, 2012 (4:00 pm)

    It’s called rain slick, slow down people or get some better all season tires.

  • Keith June 7, 2012 (8:19 am)

    Soosan — you’re not nuts, I’ve noticed those lights out too. Have also witnessed the aftermath of accidents and near-misses at this same spot in recent weeks, including one over Memorial Day weekend.

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