Just some of what’s happening (full calendar here) on a busy – and so far sunny! – Saturday:

EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION HUBS’ DRILL: Two of West Seattle’s “hubs” are activated this morning for a drill in which volunteers are running through a scenario of dealing with the aftermath of a terrorism attack. We just took that photo as the Fauntleroy hub volunteers were gathering for their briefing. The drill, which includes amateur-radio operators as well as volunteers elsewhere in the city, is scheduled to continue till noon.
SPRING CLEAN! Puget Ridge, Highland Park, and White Center have Spring Clean events under way now through early afternoon. If you’re not volunteering – still time to get involved on Puget Ridge! – at least give ’em a thumbs-up as you pass by.
FURRY FACES FOUNDATION PLANT SALE: Buy plants, help animals! 3809 46th SW, 10 am-4 pm (continues tomorrow too, if you don’t make it to the sale today).
TIBBETTS CHURCH BOOK SALE: 10 am-1 pm at Tibbetts United Methodist Church (WSB sponsor) – go get your summer reading lined up!
COFFEE WITH YOUR CONGRESSMAN: One year ago, U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott came to C & P Coffee (WSB sponsor) in West Seattle for an hour-long Q/A session with constituents. This morning he’s at Dubsea Coffee in White Center (8th about a block south of Roxbury), 10 am.
STUDENTS’ TOMATO-PLANT PROJECT: Remember that Arbor Heights classroom, growing tomato plants to give away and sell? Today’s their day at Roxbury Safeway, till about 1:30.
EUROPAKIDS OPEN HOUSE: EuropaKids International Preschool (WSB sponsor) is adding a new location this fall, but today’s open house, 10:30-noon, is at their current location, Southwest Teen Life Center/Neighborhood Service Center, 2801 SW Thistle.
REGISTER FOR TOMORROW’S WEST SEATTLE 5K: 1-4 pm today, you can sign up at West Seattle High School, whose PTSA organizes the walk/run.
WHAT ARE THE LINCOLN PARK OWLS UP TO THESE DAYS? Maybe in the mood for love, says naturalist Stewart Wechsler, who’s leading an owling walk through the park starting at 6:30 tonight.
SHOWCASE OF NEW PLAYS: Second of three nights at ArtsWest features works by five playwrights, 7 pm.
NORTHWEST CHORALE’S FOOD-BANK BENEFIT: 7:30 pm at Holy Rosary – enjoy classical vocal music, free, with free-will offering as a food-bank benefit.
Much more on the calendar!