West Seattle Tuesday: Schools; soccer; service center….

April 10, 2012 9:31 am
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(Trillium photographed by Machel Spence)
From the new-format WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

CLOSURE REMINDERS: Tonight, TWO overnight closures of note – both 10 pm-5 am – the southbound Alaskan Way Viaduct/99, and the eastbound Spokane Street Viaduct, more details here.

LAST DAY FOR DELRIDGE NEIGHBORHOOD SERVICE CENTER: In the final phase of a somewhat complicated plan first announced seven months ago at a mayoral news conference in West Seattle (WSB coverage here), the Delridge NSC – where you pay city/utility bills and get info on city services, among other things – closes today for good, at 6 pm. One week from today, at 10 am Tuesday, April 17th, the new NSC opens at the former Southwest Community Center, adjacent to SW Pool (2801 SW Thistle).

FASHION SHOW/LUNCH: At Senior Center of West Seattle, 11:45 am – but call to see if they have room. (California/Oregon)

SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ISSUES/CONCERNS/IDEAS? West Seattle’s school-board rep Marty McLaren welcomes you to a community conversation at Delridge Library, 1:15-3:15 pm. (Delridge/Brandon)

LOW TIDE! 2:23 pm, -2.1 feet, second-lowest tide (yesterday was the lowest) this month (chart here).

CROSSTOWN SOCCER MATCHUP: West Seattle High School hosts Chief Sealth International High School in a boys-varsity soccer match at Hiawatha, 3:30 pm.

ADMIRAL NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: 7 pm, Admiral Congregational Church lower-level meeting room (California/Hill), full agenda’s on our calendar-listing page.

FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 7 pm, Fauntleroy Schoolhouse (9131 California SW).

DENNY INTERNATIONAL MIDDLE SCHOOL PTSA: Meets tonight, 7 pm, school library (2601 SW Kenyon).

BABY KETTEN KARAOKE: No, that’s not a typo. It’s not your average karaoke, either. 9 pm, Skylark Café and Club (3803 Delridge Way SW).

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