Over the past month-plus, we’ve been somewhat laboriously converting the WSB West Seattle Events calendar to a new format – instead of the old cluttered page of text, it’s, well, a real online event calendar. Today, with 22 events on the list from 9 am to 9 pm, we invite you to check out the page for yourself. Same address as always – westseattleblog.com/events – but each listing leads to its own page; mouse over any line on the page, look for the plus sign, click it to expand that line for the basics on that event, and to see the listing in its entirety, click “read more.” Those links will each take you to an event’s standalone page, usually including a map, and when possible, the entirety of the original announcement. So this enables us to bring you many more details about what’s happening. We’ll still publish daily highlights roundups here on the home page most days, but this morning, time is short, and the list is long, so we invite you to take a minute and explore. Have a great Saturday!
West Seattle, Washington
02 Sunday