West Seattle weekend scenes: Out in the sunshine

Hope you spent lots of time in the sun! It’s supposed to be back tomorrow, and Monday. Five views from today – above, pilot/photographer Long B. Nguyen‘s peninsula overview, always amazing to see (click for a larger view; he shared two others we’re saving for the next day or two). Next, Melanie Dixon says it was so nice, even her “resident owl” had to come out:

In the Alki area, a hot spot for eagles drew a squabbling group today. From the WSB Flickr group pool, Danny McMillin caught this view:

Gary Jones photographed two in a more serene moment:

Back to the WSB Flickr group pool, Eugene Kogan spotted wildlife on a raft, with the frosted Olympics behind:

Thanks to all the photo-sharers in WSB-land … here’s how to share yours.

24 Replies to "West Seattle weekend scenes: Out in the sunshine"

  • Delridge Chick February 4, 2012 (9:39 pm)

    As a new transplant to Washington, the beauty of West Seattle never ceases to amaze me! Can’t wait for my bird-watch-loving mom to come visit me and see all the cool birds for herself :) Love the photos!

  • Amy February 4, 2012 (9:44 pm)


  • DF February 4, 2012 (10:31 pm)

    Now that is West Seattle. Thanks Nguyen. Click to enlarge

  • Amrakx February 4, 2012 (10:40 pm)

    Incredible photos, thanks so much for sharing! Really has me appreciating my home here on Alki!

  • jiggers February 4, 2012 (11:21 pm)

    Mt.Olympus was gorgeous today.

  • Homesick February 5, 2012 (5:45 am)

    Miss West Seattle…moved to Detroit in October for a new job.

  • norsk girl February 5, 2012 (6:51 am)

    WOW! We are so lucky to live in W. Seattle amongst all this beauty.
    Thank you for sharing the photos.

  • intheneighborhood February 5, 2012 (8:17 am)

    You can’t see Mt. Olympus from Seattle…

  • jiggers February 5, 2012 (9:54 am)

    Wasn’t in Seattle..

  • WestSeattle Suzanne February 5, 2012 (11:01 am)

    Is that a Great-Horned Owl? So beautiful!

  • Brontosaurus February 5, 2012 (2:16 pm)

    I thought you could see Mt. Olympus from Seattle. I’ve always thought I could see it. Have I got my mountains mixed up?

  • melanie February 5, 2012 (2:54 pm)

    It is a Western Screech Owl.

  • teacher/mom February 5, 2012 (2:56 pm)

    Yes, WSB, Olympus is hidden from Seattle’s view. We can see The Brothers and Mount Constance farther north as the tallest peaks.

  • YeloRose February 5, 2012 (4:22 pm)

    Beautiful pictures! And speaking of mountains, is there a map online that shows the names of the larger peaks locally? The ones I’ve seen only name Rainier and St. Helens, some include Baker, but that is it. Thanks!

  • amalia February 5, 2012 (4:59 pm)

    Melanie, I love that you’ve got screech owls in your yard! Puget Sound Bird Observatory has ongoing owl projects and we’d love to get you involved if you’re ever interested (we just had a box-building event today).
    Thanks for keeping us updated on their return!

  • JumboJim February 5, 2012 (5:56 pm)

    Can Melanie give us any idea what neighborhood her Screech Owl lives in? The Barred Owls are thought to have driven them out of Lincoln Park which used to be a reliable Screech Owl spot. I know one still reliable spot in the north part of WS, and have heard rumours of another spot not far from Lincoln Park. So far we have heard them just 3 times in the six years we’ve lived near 39th and Rose.
    P.S. I don’t plan on playing recordings to see them or harassing them in any way in case you’re concerned about that.

  • Orchard street February 5, 2012 (9:38 pm)

    We also have a western screech owl in our back yard/greenbelt. Lately we have heard it every night but we have heard it on and off for four years. We live in Orchard Street ravine area (not far from Lincoln Park).

  • DML February 6, 2012 (7:37 am)

    Late to the conversation but we have a peek-a-boo view of Mt Olympus at about 225 ft elevation above Jacobsen Rd. It sits behind the third tallest peak from the south (or between the 2 tallest peaks south of The Brothers) and is easiest to see in the morning light. It is always the most densely snow covered. Binoculars/scope help as it otherwise looks like the north slope of third peak. It is very ‘pretty in pink’ this morning.

  • Chris February 6, 2012 (9:36 am)

    Where is Lincoln Park in this photo? Should it not be just North of the Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal? I am clearly missing something in this beautiful photograph. Can someone clarify for me because I am very confused. Am I just nuts??

    • WSB February 6, 2012 (9:59 am)

      Chris – I at first thought that was the ferry dock but the structure jutting out into the water is actually the Harbor West condos in the 3700 block of Beach Drive – this photo doesn’t show ALL of West Seattle (the photographer sent us a different view we’ll be using later plus a great overview of the bridge work that will be coming up in a story later this morning) – TR

  • melanie February 6, 2012 (1:32 pm)

    The screech owl is staying near the Pelly Place Natural Area. About ten blocks west of the Orchard St Ravine.

  • Chris February 6, 2012 (3:00 pm)

    WSB –

    Thank you! The world makes better sense now. We’re new up here… :)

  • JoAnne February 6, 2012 (9:28 pm)

    You can see Mt Olympus, just not every day. Just like you can’t see Mt Rainier every day.

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