(Photo by WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand)
Most of the seal-pup photos you see here on WSB are courtesy of Seal Sitters – by “first responder” Robin Lindsey, or sometimes volunteer David Hutchinson. This time, we were lucky to see one ourselves, while out for a walk on the Lincoln Park shore. Two Seal Sitters volunteers were guarding this pup yesterday morning. This morning, we talked with Robin, who tells WSB this was one of SIX seal pups reported on West Seattle beaches yesterday! She also writes about that on the Seal Sitters “Blubberblog” (by the way, the one we photographed is NOT the one she says they’re worried about). Once again, you are reminded to please give them plenty of space – this time of year, they are weaned pups, at least six months old, who catch their own food, and come ashore to rest; off-leash dogs are a threat, as are some well-meaning humans – no, you don’t need to chase the seal back into the water, they’re fine while resting on land! If you see a marine mammal on a local beach, by the way – call Seal Sitters to make sure they know (206-905-7325 – that’s 905-SEAL), and if you would like to join their volunteer corps (big need for it, considering how busy they’ve been), a training session is coming up March 3rd; see how to be part of it, here.