Thank you so much for the photos you’re sharing! We’re setting up this gallery for the ones that aren’t woven into our ongoing updates – since this will be a day to remember. For people of all ages – above, Sarah‘s photo from snow fun on Alki – and critters too – Kerry shared the photo of “Chewy“:

Next, it’s Eve, who’s helping the West Seattle Be Prepared folks, who are running a “mini-emergency ops center” sharing some neighborhood information (check @wsbeprepared on Twitter):

Back to Alki – Debra Salazar Herbst shares the overview – including some cross-country skiers, if you look closely:

Also at the beach, Terry and his dogs were out early this morning:

All over West Seattle, a whole lot of sledding! First, Sweeney’s Plumbing (WSB sponsor) caught these sledders along the Longfellow Creek Legacy Trail:

Jeff shares the scene at 47th and Alaska:

Gail T watched sledders from her living room in Fauntlee Hills – this is along SW Trenton:

Even with school out today, there’s plenty of school spirit! In this next photo, Chief Sealth International High School Cheerhawks senior Shayla Clement (right) and junior Merissa McEwan (left) “build a Snow-Girl with school spirit! Go Hawks!”:

Even the UW was closed today – but one of Debra’s neighbors on Alki came down with a case of Husky fever:

Maybe this was “cabin fever.” Kyle Bolton of West Seattle, captioned “WHAT snow day?”

And after you come in from the snow, you have to get dried off – Julie says her dog Harper loves the snow:

More sledding: JayDee caught the Charlestown Hill crowd on camera:

And while we’re getting a lot more snow-dog photos – this is the first snow chicken, courtesy of Craig:

ADDED 7:51 PM: More of the photos WSB’ers are sharing. First, more snow dogs. Kate and Tito Titus had to towel off 14-year-old Grizz after a snow adventure:

Here’s Tiffani‘s snow dog, Aspen:

Beatrice in Fauntlee Hills shares this pic of Tucker, exploring:

Different creatures now – from Bryan B, snow sharks in Lincoln Park!

Emma Airhart was creating a self-portrait in snow, according to mom Sarah:

From Anne Giroux, Charlie Douglas, Nichole Tucker, and Adam Cox – their snow creation:

Frank captured kids having snow fun at 37th and Hanford:

A colorful contrast at Schmitz Park, from Doreen:

And the snow-bound Alki Lighthouse, from Deanna:

ADDED 11:51 PM: One more wave, starting with Alison‘s photo of Harrison along SW Graham in the Morgan Junction area:

We’ve seen lots of snow dogs… but how about snow cats? Looking out from inside, it’s Katie’s BlueMoo:

Back outdoors, Valorie‘s cat Bodhi, in Seaview:

Now back to the snow dogs – Roxanna is a guide dog in training, 7 months old, enjoying her first Seattle snowfall, says puppy-raiser McKenna Kormanik from West Seattle See Dogs:

Another snow pooch and snow person in Rachel‘s photo:

And look what Ellen, Sam, Jama, and Katie created in front of C and P Coffee (WSB sponsor)!

Thanks for all the photos, everyone who sent them, and have a great Thursday!