Metro ‘restructuring’: New plan coming out; more meetings set

Following the first round of community meetings about Metro‘s proposed “restructuring” plan to take effect in connection with the West Seattle RapidRide launch this fall, a new proposal is due out next week, and another round of meetings is set, to get your take on it. Two are set for West Seattle – 6-8 pm February 15 at Madison Middle School, and 6-8 pm February 16th at Chief Sealth International High School. Metro says you can watch this page for the new proposal around February 1st. (One expected change was reported here in December, when a Metro planner told the Admiral Neighborhood Association that the new version wouldn’t take away as much service in that area as first proposed.)

2 Replies to "Metro 'restructuring': New plan coming out; more meetings set"

  • Shaniqua Walker January 28, 2012 (8:33 am)

    Don’t buy into the positive spin by Metro about this “RapidRide” concept.

    I used to live on the Eastside and work in Seattle. Last Fall, they eliminated my bus route and I had to walk a mile each day to catch another bus that quickly became standing room only because a lot of other folks had their former routes canceled as well.

    Why did I walk so far, you might ask? Because the RapidRide B-Line “connector” coach didn’t pick me up near my home nor drop me off any where near my Seattle-bound bus.

    What used to be a 25-minute commute took an hour or more each way. Walking a mile in the rain, even with an umbrella, and getting on a standing-room only bus with lot of grumpy riders didn’t seem like a pleasant way to start and end the workday.

    The Metro “planners” and local politicians were saying how this would “revolutionize” bus service on the Eastside. They even had a launch ceremony. They are so full of it.

    Don’t believe the hype.

  • Sea3006 January 28, 2012 (7:13 pm)

    Why are there so many empty articulated buses clogging up traffic. Come on, on a weekend do you need a big old articulated bus? Its bad enough to see these things empty on the weekday.

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