West Seattle schools: 2nd annual Posada at Denny International

Covering the basketball hoopla at Chief Sealth International High School last night, a WSB team member got a hot tip: Go check out what’s happening on the other side of the campus at Denny International Middle School. Turned out to be the 2nd annual Posada Navideña celebration (here’s our coverage of the first one last year) – first one in the new Denny, adjacent to Sealth. Principal Jeff Clark explained:

Our crew got him to pose with some of the folks he mentioned who made the big, busy event happen:

Members of Denny’s City Year team were on hand, too:

Admission fees were waived for anyone who brought a traditional Mexican dish to feed at least 10 people. After dinner, treats included cupcakes:

Our crew had to get back over to the Sealth gym – but we’re told last night’s celebration also included piñatas and live music.

1 Reply to "West Seattle schools: 2nd annual Posada at Denny International"

  • boy December 18, 2011 (3:42 pm)

    It is nice to see a celibration of the lord at a local public school and nobody is crying seperation of church an state

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