We’re now halfway through the month that for some men in West Seattle and the rest of the world is better known as “Movember” (combining “moustache” and “November”), as they grow mustaches to raise money and awareness for the Prostate Cancer Foundation and the Livestrong Foundation. Derek Wilson shares news about the local team:
West Seattle has a Movember team, called the West Seattle Mo’s. They are Tony Meats (captain; photo, above left), Ted LeRoy, Erik Walum [photo, above center], Tony Tolmich, Will Reagan, Adam Niles, Colby Perry, Marco Deppe, Benny Luna, Bobby Bowling, Brian Jensen, Jacob Anthis, Jason Bowling, Trevor MacLachlan, Brandon Godfrey, Chase Fitzpatrick, Derek Wilson [photo, above right], Eric Cozens, Jay Ameln, Terry Pilant, Thomas Eckar, and Timothy Pierson.
Founded in Melbourne, Australia in 2004, as a fun and attention getting way to raise money, Movember now has formal campaigns in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada, the UK, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, South Africa and Ireland. Informal campaigns occur in other countries.
Men who join the campaign are Mo Bros. Women can join too as Mo Sistas. Team members have their own Mo Space page on the Movember website with their picture, their motivation for joining the event, their funds raised totals, and a running commentary about their progress through the month.
There are rules. November 1, you start clean-shaven. No jumping the gun. And you are supposed to grow a moustache, not a beard or a goatee. This is moustache-growing as a sporting competition.
To learn more about Movember, go to us.movember.com. Movember is on Facebook and on Twitter, and Movember has a mobile app for iPhone and Android.
Click on the Movember Community button on the Movember website and check out “The Lodge” for some Movember entertainment.
If you would care to donate to the West Seattle team, or any other Movember team, go to the Movember home page, click on the Donate button and use the tools there to find a team. If you donate to the West Seattle Mo’s, they thank you sincerely.