West Seattle Wednesday: Today/tonight highlights, and more

Our daily preview always starts with a featured photo/video, and this one is a sight to see:

Lest today’s grayness get you down – that clip shows rain from a new perspective – underwater, with a moon jelly! Diver Laura James says she found it just off 64th SW. Now, a few notes from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

LIBRARY TALES FOR TOTS: Two Preschool Story Times at local library branches this morning – 10:30 am at West Seattle (Admiral) branch, 11:30 am at Southwest branch. More info via the Seattle Public Library events calendar.

LATEST VIADUCT INFO, #1: If you want to be on the leading edge of what’s new with the Highway 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct project, at a meeting that’s open to the public but seldom attended by any member of it, this is your day – the Alaskan Way Viaduct South Portal Working Group meets 4-5:30 pm at the Sound Transit Board Room, Union Station downtown (401 South Jackson). The Oct. 21-31 closure will be discussed, as will “initial construction activities for the SR 99 tunnel and preview the north portal construction simulation tool.”

LATEST VIADUCT INFO, #2: From there, it’s on to the Southwest District Council meeting, 7 pm, South Seattle Community College board room, where the AWV project’s deputy director Matt Preedy will provide the latest closure details to an all-West Seattle group. Public welcome here too. Full list of agenda toplines is on the WSB Events calendar.

TONIGHT’S PTSA MEETING: Highland Park Elementary, 5:30 pm.

KENNEY MEETING: Updates on the Memory Support Unit under development at The Kenney (WSB sponsor) are planned at a meeting there tonight, 6:30 pm, all welcome (7125 Fauntleroy Way SW).

FREE WAY TO HELP TEACHERS/STUDENTS: DonorsChoose cards available today, free while they last, at Starbucks stores, so you can use them to make $10 donations toward classroom projects. (Please let us know if you discover any West Seattle store is out of them.)

7 Replies to "West Seattle Wednesday: Today/tonight highlights, and more"

  • Eilene Hutchinson October 5, 2011 (10:05 am)

    Thank you for this perspective on seeing these sea creatures. Also, I watched some of the other “vimeo” movies, and thoroughly enjoyed them.

  • participant October 5, 2011 (11:04 am)

    Just went to the Morgan Junction Starbucks and they seemed to have quiet a few donation cards left. GO GET ‘EM!!! (is that Starbucks normally that busy at 10:30? I assume all the extra ‘media’ in the area)

  • add October 5, 2011 (12:10 pm)

    @participant – thanks! I stopped by the drive-thru on Avalon about 11am and they said they were out of the cards by 6:30 this morning so I thought I had missed the boat. I’ll head down to Morgan Junction!

  • Maggie October 5, 2011 (1:23 pm)

    And if you don’t plan to use the donation card, either 1) don’t accept it, or 2) give it someone who will take the few moments to help schools! DON’T throw them away or let them get lost on the floor of your car or the bottom of your bag. This is free money available to help schools – you don’t have to give your own money, just put someone else’s to work for a great cause!

  • participant October 5, 2011 (2:28 pm)

    Good points Maggie – I’ll add for those who haven’t seen the cards – they expire November 8th. So if you pick it up today you don’t have to donate today, but to avoid forgetting etc., just do it today :-)

  • CynthiaT October 5, 2011 (5:13 pm)

    They’re out at Westwood Village & the Starbucks by Trader Joes in Burien. I’m really disappointed I wanted to help the teacher of the ICS class at West Seattle Elementary get the last $115 she needed.

  • sybil October 5, 2011 (9:54 pm)

    Have to say I am glad to hear they ran out because I had to ask for one at WWV SBUX, it wasn’t offered and I didn’t notice any signage anywhere. I was afraid if this was the case everywhere then maybe not very many would get passed out. Whew!

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