West Seattle sky show: Spectacular October sunset

Thanks to Jamie Kinney for sharing photos of tonight’s breathtaking sunset – from before, and after.

Forecast says rain tomorrow … but maybe we’ll get lucky again.

6 Replies to "West Seattle sky show: Spectacular October sunset"

  • KD October 29, 2011 (7:38 pm)

    We are so blessed in this area.., rain or shine. Thanks for the photos.

  • ajwren October 29, 2011 (7:41 pm)

    I agree! I grew up in the Midwest and have been here since 1986. I am in awe of the beauty of the Pacific Northwest!

  • jmks October 30, 2011 (12:02 am)

    Thanks for sharing J Kinney! Excellent photos!

  • Jtk October 30, 2011 (1:38 am)

    I love the pics! I am in London for work this week and these sunsets are amazing. I Love Seattle. And WSB. Thanks for making me a little less homesick!

    • WSB October 30, 2011 (5:50 am)

      Travel safely, Jtk. P.S. Hours later – the rain returned! – TR

  • Mark October 30, 2011 (9:25 am)

    Wonderful shots, Jamie. Thank you for sharing.

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