West Seattle Crime Watch: Be on the lookout…

Two cases of incidents involving suspicious people/vehicles in West Seattle neighborhoods – read on:

From Patrick, a short time ago:

At about 11:15 pm my car alarm went off. It was parked outside my house in the driveway. I reached for my keys and shut the alarm off and ran downstairs. There was a small pick-up truck which was directly across from my driveway. I noticed it because there is a greenbelt there and no one parks there at that time of night. I went back upstairs and looked out my window to get a better look at the truck. When I opened the blinds the lights of the truck came on and it took off. It was a reddish, small pickup with an open back. It had a white toolbox in the back by the window. As soon as it took off, I called the police and they responded admirably. There were two cars on my property within about 7 minutes from my call (guessing). This event took place on Dumar Way SW.

And from Joe:

I wanted to get the word out on a suspicious person in Arbor Heights.

At 7:10 (Sunday) evening I noticed a black car that was driving east on 104th St SW turn north on 38th Ave SW that did not belong to any of my neighbors. A short time later a person approached my house walking west on 104th St. He walked past the front of out my house, did an about face and came up my walkway on my front porch and knocked on my door. Both of his hands remaining in his jacket the entire time. Instead of opening the front door to him, my dog and I greeted him on a separate front porch. I said “can I help you” and over my dogs barking he replied “uhhhh I was seeing if you needed yard work.” Our yard is finely manicured right now. I said “no” and he walked back a half block away got into his car and left.

This person is a young light skinned black male. He was wearing baggy jeans, thigh length shirt and thigh length light jacket and had white knitted bear hat (like a stuffed animal) with hanging ear flaps down passed his chin. His landscape vehicle of choice is a newer very dark (looked black) sedan (rounded front and back end) with 22 inch custom black wheels and low profile tires. I believe it was four door and appeared to resemble a Cadillac or Impala. Police were notified.

By the way, the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network meets tonight, 6:30 pm, Southwest Precinct (Delridge/Webster) – agenda details here.

7 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Be on the lookout..."

  • RickM October 25, 2011 (7:35 am)

    Thats a little creepy Joe. If I recall, the guy in the ATM photo that is a possible suspect in the Alki home invasion was wearing a hat much like you describe. Good work calling the cops. The photo: https://westseattleblog.com/2011/10/west-seattle-crime-watch-followup-home-invasion-suspect

  • luckymom30 October 25, 2011 (7:58 am)

    Out for a walk yesterday my friend and I noticed this car cruising the neighborhood weaving in and out of streets and stopping at each street then getting out of his car and knocking on doors. He kept going from one house to another, all the houses he went to had no one at home, he opened some gates. The description you gave Joe is the exact car we saw and the driver matched your description too. Once home we called 911 to reported this suspicious guy.

  • Alki Resident October 25, 2011 (8:06 am)

    Rick,you’re right that did sound like his description to me too.Hopefully he’ll go to a house with security cameras to get a closer look at him and gets caught soon.

  • Over it October 25, 2011 (8:49 am)

    Yesterday around 2pm, just as the kids were walking home from school through our peaceful, sweet neighborhood…there was the 4th drug deal I’ve seen take place on the corner of 37th @ Dakota. It’s a young guy, shows up, parks, gets out and makes a call. He waits for someone to show up the arrival car stops, the dealer gets in, they do the deal and he jumps back in his car and takes off. He comes in a new car every time. In fact, I’ve seen him on the corner counting his money. Yesterday was the first day he didn’t see me so I could call. I reported to police and gave them license plate # – seems they didn’t get there soon enough. Keep your eye out for parked cars on corners and guy on phone. It was a gold colored bug with tinted windows this time but in the past has been a red camaro style looking car.

  • Heath October 25, 2011 (9:01 pm)

    In Arbor Heights we seem to get a lot of these door-to-doorers asking about doing yard work, window replacements, etc. Some may be legitimate but I wonder how many are trying to scope out homes to hit.

  • D-mom October 25, 2011 (9:49 pm)

    Thanks for the updates. It’s good to get this info when you live around the corner from it. I sent it out to other neighbors to keep a close watch.

  • Lucy October 26, 2011 (3:59 pm)

    There has been a lot going on in Arbor Heights lately. I live just off of 108th and 35th. Someone stole my mail and it just happened to be the day I had checks mailed to me from my bank. They ended up writing checks in my name. I filed a police report and spoke with our mail man and he mentioned that it has been happening a lot in our neighborhood. I hope the losers that are doing this get caught!

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