Viaduct-closure update: Quiet weekend, but 1st weekday looms

(Video courtesy Mike Cohen, from about 9 am today)
The weekend has passed without any major traffic problems attributed to or related to the South-End-demolition closure of the Alaskan Way Viaduct. But tomorrow’s the first big test. We’ll be covering it throughout the day – including the pm commute, which just might be more of a challenge than the am commute, since there are only two ways to get onto the westbound bridge. But before that, here are a few reminders tonight:

*From 5 am to 7 pm, the northbound Viaduct will be OPEN from Royal Brougham – the stadium-zone onramp – northward, probably most helpful for those who are heading to the north end of downtown or beyond. The southbound Viaduct will remain closed in its entirety, from the Battery Street Tunnel to the West Seattle Bridge.

*During the pm drive home, the “low bridge” is supposed to remain open to traffic except for some kind of maritime emergency, between 3-6 pm. And Burlington Northern is supposed to try to avoid “train-building” during that time frame in the SODO vicinity, to avoid

*Using the Water Taxi? Its schedule has some additions – see the Monday-Friday schedule FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, here. And if you are trying to park-and-ride it, more than 100 spaces are supposed to be available at Don Armeni Boat Ramp, which is off Harbor Avenue a short distance west of the WT dock at Seacrest Pier. (6 am-8 pm are the parking hours, according to the Don Armeni webpage.)

*Riding the bus? Remember there are some reroutes – listed along with other closure-related bus info, here.

*Riding a bike? Cascade Bicycle Club will have a station set up on the west side of the “low bridge” – and a “bike train” ride will leave from there at 7:30 am, while another ride (geared for new or rusty riders) will leave from Alki Bike and Board in the Admiral District at 7 am (as previewed here on Friday). Also, WSDOT has a “bike route page” with closure-related info/recommendations.

*Couple more reminders: The “Viaduct Closed” flashing-lights signs are NOT on – the city says the batteries couldn’t take nine days of flashing – but trust us, the Viaduct IS closed; GPS and online maps most likely will not reflect the closure and detours; Airport Way construction is on hold for the duration, so it won’t be too much of a mess (1st/Spokane intersection also is supposed to be more accessible than usual).

*We’ll be covering the commute morning and evening, but as in all extraordinary cases – whether it’s a snowstorm or a traffic jam – the most important information comes from you. Please DON’T be texting/tweeting/Facebooking/commenting in traffic, but when it is safe for you to do so, let us know how your commute went … or, if you live somewhere with a view of a major route to the bridge etc., what you are seeing. Photos of course are welcome too. And questions! Thanks in advance for your help!

*Direct info-links of note:
WSB Traffic page (cameras and other links)
KING 5 Viaduct Crunch page (we’re partnering with them during this week’s special coverage)
Seattle Times (WSB partner) “Viaduct closure guide”

5 Replies to "Viaduct-closure update: Quiet weekend, but 1st weekday looms"

  • scout 1 October 23, 2011 (10:39 pm)

    Looms?? Sounds like the “Ides of March” LOL

  • jmks October 23, 2011 (10:46 pm)

    Good Luck tomorrow for everyone!

  • Mary October 23, 2011 (11:02 pm)

    Are there also additional water taxi shuttles scheduled?

  • I. Ponder October 23, 2011 (11:09 pm)

    Looks like they were serious about the demolition. OMG, is it possible a project is actually moving ahead in Seattle?

  • Keolo October 24, 2011 (12:27 pm)

    Anyone know why it wasn’t possible to “implode” the south end of the viaduct like they did to the old Kingdome? Seems like it would have been a lot faster and caused less of a distraction.

Sorry, comment time is over.