The beekeeper gear is a hint of what’s been unfolding alongside Jacobsen Road on the south side of Me-Kwa-Mooks Park: According to Puget Sound Beekeepers Association president Brad Jones, a city tree crew discovered a feral honey-bee colony while “cutting down a problem tree” on Thursday. This drew “much interest from beekeepers” in, and outside of, West Seattle, Jones told WSB. They needed to cut the log down further, in order to relocate it – bees still inside – to a “better, safer spot for the winter.” If they survive the winter, he explained, beekeepers will carry out another operation to get them into “standard beekeeping equipment.” They were hopeful the sizing could happen this morning; we’ll be checking back. Discoveries like this are important, because the wild honey-bee population has dropped dramatically in recent years. (The bee discovery also was noted on Beach Drive Blog – check out the spray-painted warning in one of their photos.)
West Seattle, Washington
18 Saturday