Double dose of The WSBeat: Guns gone; concrete trouble…

By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog

From reports on cases handled recently by Southwest Precinct officers – two rounds of The WSBeat, since last week’s edition didn’t get published, it appears immediately after the newest summaries:

*Wednesday night around 7:30, a woman who was planning to go target shooting accidentally left her purse on the counter of an Admiral convenience store. She went back to retrieve the purse but didn’t find the two guns she thought were inside — a .380 revolver and a 9mm pistol. The clerk said no one had taken the guns and offered to provide the store’s surveillance tape. The officer advised the woman to take a look around her home to be sure she hadn’t misplaced the weapons.

*Around 6 p.m. Saturday, when officers stopped to question a man at 14th and Cloverdale, the subject ran off, only to return a few moments later and hit an officer in the eye. He initially refused to provide officers with his name, probably because it turns out he was wanted on a no-bail felony warrant from the Department of Corrections and a $10,000 misdemeanor DUI warrant. He was booked into King County Jail.

13 more summaries ahead:

*Overnight, between Friday and Saturday, at least two people walked and played through newly poured concrete in the 8400 block of 30th SW, causing $4,000 damage. From the shoe size imprints, the suspects appear to be a younger one — maybe 10 years old — and another in his or her early teens.

*A citizen reported that two people in a red Subaru station wagon stole items from mailboxes in the 7700 block of 14th SW on Monday of last week. The car was being driven by a female with strawberry/blond hair; the passenger — who raided the boxes — was described as appearing to be a young Hispanic male.

*Around 9:30 Wednesday night, a citizen in the 4800 block of California Ave. SW called 911 to report a stranger refusing to leave the doorstep of an apartment unit. The suspect told officers that he was waiting for process papers to be served from “in there” (he indicated the apartment), where the “eye” (peep hole) was watching him. He also said he’d be arrested if he left and that he had seen others being taken away in shackles. The man was dressed in a tank top and shorts (the temperature was expected to drop to the 40s), and he didn’t know where he was or how he got there. Concerned for his well-being, officers had him transported to Harborview for a mental exam.

Next, summaries from the WSBeat edition that didn’t get published last week:

*Recently, at a Delridge 7-11, one woman encountered another woman who claimed to be homeless. As a good deed, the first woman offered to let the stranger shower and clean up at her home. Unfortunately, the stranger also cleaned out the victim of money, jewelry, and personal paperwork.

*A 44-year-old woman filled a shopping cart full of items and pushed it out the door of a Junction business without paying. She was held for police and read her rights. She said she understood and admitted she has a drug (crack) problem. She also said, “I’m hoping this was a felony. I want help so bad that I’m desperate.”

*On Thursday the 6th, a woman interrupted a burglary in progress at her residence in the 10400 block of 34th SW. She picked up the phone to call 911, but one of the two suspects disconnected the cord. They had loaded a pillowcase with loot but left without it—but they did manage to rummage through the home and kick open locked doors. The burglarss are two white men, aged 30-49 years. One, about 5’7” had a ruddy complexion, medium build and wore a black sweatshirt with a design on the front. The other had brown hair and wore a light green jacket. The victim wasn’t hurt.

*A local woman feels she is in a no-win situation: When she parks her car on the street it is repeatedly vandalized; when she parks her car in her (short) driveway it blocks the sidewalk, citizens complain, and she gets ticketed.

*Down in a Delridge area — where residents pay different garbage rates based on how much refuse they set out — citizens are getting tired of one of their neighbors adding her garbage into their waste containers. Although the woman hasn’t been confronted, photographs of her stuffing other folks’ cans are making the rounds.

*Two strangers knocked on a door in the 4500 block of 21st SW one afternoon earlier this month around 4:45. Inside the residence, an owner working in the basement looked on a video monitor just in time to hear one of the men exclaim, “S%#@, there’s a camera!” He ran from the door while the other partially blocked his face and knocked on the door again, but they left in short order. The suspects are two black males in their late teens or early 20s. One was tall and slender; the other shorter and of average weight.

*An argumentative Shoreline resident with an outstanding Department of Corrections warrant was arrested at a party in the 6500 block of 30th SW. He had told someone to “go get the guns,” and then held his hand in the shape of a gun and pointed at party goers, asking, “You? You? You?” He was booked into King County Jail for investigation of harassment.

*A man and his girlfriend were camping in the greenbelt along Myers Way on Friday the 7th when they heard two gunshots. He yelled out to let the shooter know that there were people in the area. They then heard the sound of running footsteps followed by the noisy muffler of a departing car.

*On Saturday the 7th, a woman walked into the Southwest Precinct with blood on the left side of her face and on her hand. Her boyfriend pushing and shoved her, hit her in the head and said, “You are dead.” Before getting on a bus he told her not to be surprised if someone in his family shot her in the side of her head. The woman has been contacted by domestic violence unit officers.

*October 9th, officers were dispatched to a possible domestic violence incident in the 8100 block of 13th SW. No one answered the door, but an officer in a position to look into the living room motioned to the other that man was shoving a woman against a wall. The officer at the door then heard two faint cries of “Help me!” Upon entry, they found the woman with a torn shirt and a 4-inch welt rising on her arm. The suspect was uncooperative, and the victim yelled “quit resisting”and told officers to “take him to jail.” Yet she told officers that “nothing happened,” she refused to give a statement, wouldn’t allow photos of her injuries, and didn’t want the suspect prosecuted. She said she just wanted him taken to his brother’s house.

*Suspicious vehicles noted in burglary/break-ins: A silver mid-sized SUV (48th and Dawson); black Lexus (102nd and 32nd).

EDITOR’S NOTE: The WSBeat has an archive category of its own. We also continue to publish crime reports the rest of the week, when we get tips or hear noteworthy incidents via the scanner, so don’t be shy about letting us know when you see/hear something happening.

7 Replies to "Double dose of The WSBeat: Guns gone; concrete trouble..."

  • DRS October 25, 2011 (8:18 am)

    Sometimes the WSB is a mixed blessing. I assume other parts of town have similar crime rates but it doesn’t seem like it because I don’t obsessively read about THEIR crimes!

    • WSB October 25, 2011 (8:24 am)

      …or their business openings or new developments or schools or coyotes or door-to-door salespeople or … Yes, we know the crime reports can cut both ways. But the hyperawareness makes a difference, local police say. I wish I could get more frequent updates from them on arrests, but those, we have to catch as catch can … including the monthly Crime Prevention Council meetings.

  • RobertSeattle October 25, 2011 (8:25 am)

    If you are going to spend $4000+ on a concrete pour, perhaps it is advisable to hire a guard on it for $12/hour until it has firmed up.

  • DRS October 25, 2011 (8:40 am)

    You know I’m not really complaining.

  • Kate October 25, 2011 (9:36 am)

    It is unbelievable to me that someone would be so careless with guns.

  • Amalia October 25, 2011 (12:09 pm)

    My thought exactly, Kate.

  • A October 27, 2011 (9:07 am)

    I live in the 8600 block of 31st Ave SW. On Thursday, Oct 6 mid-day, I called 911 to report a burglary in progress due to a neighbor’s external burglar alarm siren sounding. The police arrived within about 2 minutes (THANK YOU SPD!) and I was able to provide a description of a possible suspect vehicle. That vehicle is a burgundy compact car similar to a honda accord early 90’s body style. I was unable to see the plate, as they parked a distance away and took off rapidly when I came outside.

    Fortunately, the burglars were scared off when the alarm sounded, and a few neighbors came out to check. Had none of us gone outside or called 911, it’s very possible the burglars would have tried again and gotten in.

    My point: PLEASE be a nosy neighbor. Better to get involved and prevent a burglary than to chalk it up as a false alarm.

Sorry, comment time is over.