West Seattle See Dogs celebrate Guide Dog Month

Got room in your heart and home for a puppy who will grow up to do great things – namely, serving as a Guide Dog? If so, you need to meet West Seattle See Dogs – one of the guide-puppy-raising group that was on hand at Petco in The Junction today in honor of National Guide Dog Month. From left, above, Ruth Oldham, McKenna Kormanik with Guiness the puppy, and Heather Gilbert. Here’s a closer look at Guiness:

You can catch up with West Seattle See Dogs on Facebook.

4 Replies to "West Seattle See Dogs celebrate Guide Dog Month"

  • Sonoma September 18, 2011 (11:46 pm)

    Aiiieeeee! Could Guiness be any cuter? The other dog is pretty darn cute, too.

  • Jim P. September 19, 2011 (11:32 am)

    Do they have a web site beyond facebook?

    I refuse to give up that much of my privacy by starting a facebook account and you can’t view their stuff without one. I’d like to help but not at that cost.

    • WSB September 19, 2011 (11:54 am)

      Sorry. I sympathize, I am a very reluctant Facebook user, but in our line of business (any line of business these days), you have to go where the people are, as well as offering your own spot, so we are active on FB as well as here on the Web, and on Twitter too. Anyway – no, but this is what Ruth Oldham uses in her sig for people looking for more info about guide-puppy-raising: http://www.guidedogs.com/site/PageServer?pagename=help_volunteer_puppy

  • Ruth Oldham September 24, 2011 (12:21 am)

    Thanks for sharing our link to information about Puppy Raising. Anyone interested in more information can also go direct to http://www.guidedogs.com. We find we need to reach out through tweets,flickr,blogs,fb to reach everyone these days.
    West seattle See Dogs (your local puppy raising club)would love it if someone had time to offer to help get our website going. Contact Ruth at seedogs@comcast.net for info on puppy raising,questions about Guide Dogs, or to share ideas or offer help.

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