West Seattle school safety: New guards; latest police roundup

Two updates on safety near West Seattle schools:

NEW CROSSING GUARDS: WSB contributor Deanie Schwarz reports that Highland Park Elementary now has three crossing guards helping students, after years of just one. From left to right in the photos above, Lemike Taumoepeau is at 9th/Trenton; Ray Covello, at 11th/Henderson; Theresa Straga-Propst at 16th/Trenton. They’re out on school days from 8:15-9 am and 2:45-3:30 pm.

LATEST SCHOOL-ZONE SPEEDER ROUNDUP: Seattle Police were out in school zones again today, and the latest citation roundup they’ve posted on SPD Blotter mentions three local schools, including 36-mph citations near Roxhill Elementary, 28-mph citations near Arbor Heights Elementary, and a 37-mph citation near Holy Family School. (Plus a 78-mph driver on the West Seattle Bridge.)

4 Replies to "West Seattle school safety: New guards; latest police roundup"

  • A September 22, 2011 (12:44 pm)

    35th at Our Lady of Guadalupe….They really need to watch that area. I drive by every morning around 830 and there are always people trying to pass me when I’m going 20.

  • madison parent September 22, 2011 (1:00 pm)

    There needs to be a person helping traffic flow around madison in the morning. A lot more kids being dropped off this year and parents in a hurry. Every morning I’m being honked at by cars while waiting for kids to cross safely. Also folks the washed out crosswalk in the middle of 45th in front of the school is not supposed to be there and every year the principle says its not safe to drop kids off in the middle of the street!

  • West Seattle mom September 22, 2011 (1:14 pm)

    They need to enforce Admiral Way by Alki Elementary! They keep putting speed traps coming up Admiral from West Seattle bridge, but this could so be better served for the general public if they did it on the other side of Admiral where kids lives are at risk!

  • (required) September 22, 2011 (7:21 pm)

    I think the monetary penalties for speeding must be too low. I wonder if we double the fines whether that would help? We cannot afford to have police sitting and babysitting traffic, and the danger to children, pedestrians, cyclists, and other cars is palpable.

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