Unique new class for teens in West Seattle: Playwriting

As school revs up, so does the quest for after-school activities. Here’s one coming up this fall, called to your attention by Carol at Southwest Teen Life Center – creative and free: The ACT Theater playwriting class, October 11-December 8, 3-4:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the TLC, 2801 SW Thistle. It’s described this way:

The Young Playwrights Program is a professional playwright/teaching program that teaches the basics of playwriting. Each student playwright completes a 10- to 45-minute original play by the end of the session. Students will have the opportunity to learn the art and craft of theater and be introduced to the basic knowledge and elements of how to write dialogue, create characters, and use action to create an entertaining, theatrical piece. Following the class, selected plays may be showcased through staged readings at the ACT Theater. Earn Community Service Learning hours for school. Receive free tickets to plays at the Langston Hughes Performing Art Center and the ACT Theater by enrolling.

You can find out more, and/or register, by calling 206-684-4115.

1 Reply to "Unique new class for teens in West Seattle: Playwriting"

  • Anna September 6, 2011 (2:54 pm)

    This is a great program for teens. As mentioned, at the end of this session selected plays may be showcased through staged readings at the ACT Theater, but teens also have the opportunity for staged readings at additional theaters around town, including West Seattle’s own Twelfth Night Productions.

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