Pets & people, right now: Furry Faces @ WS Nursery; Lien’s 60th

At West Seattle Nursery, the Dog Days of Summer started with Furry Faces Foundation‘s Teri Ensley and King County’s Rebecca Cleveland-Diel tapping a donated keg of Manny’s. Till 4 pm, it’s a beerfest, with hot dogs, but it’s also a pet-adoption-fest:

That’s volunteer Kory with two dogs hoping their new forever homes might be found today – the little white one he’s holding is a “special needs” pet, with eye trouble. Or if you’re looking to add a kitty to the family, here’s one in classic nonchalant cat mode:

West Seattle Nursery is having a sale, too. Meantime, your dog (leashed) and/or cat (carrier) are welcome to join you at Lien Animal Clinic till 2 pm, for the 60th anniversary open house – we found a few visitors there this morning:

And of course, there’s anniversary cake!

Lien is on SW Alaska between 37th and 38th, in The Triangle.

5 Replies to "Pets & people, right now: Furry Faces @ WS Nursery; Lien's 60th"

  • ad August 14, 2011 (8:04 pm)

    Lien clinic is GREAT. They are very compassionate and consider many factors when treating our dear pets ailments (for example, our options when we can’t afford the most expensive treatments). It’s no wonder they’ve been around this long! Happy 60th!

  • natinstl August 15, 2011 (10:10 am)

    I hope little Filbert, the Jack Russell got adopted. He was a sweety. If not, I’ll be checking on him in the next few weeks and hopefully I can talk the hubby into getting a dog.

  • Michael Belk August 15, 2011 (11:15 am)

    Happy Birthday Lien, the dogs look like they know what is going on. Good Pictures.

  • catlady August 15, 2011 (11:30 am)

    We adopted the two black & white kittens – and boy are they having a great time exploring their new home! And thanks for the Manny’s too.

  • natinstl August 15, 2011 (12:34 pm)


    That’s great, we have two cats that we adopted from the shelter a few years ago and we love them, they have become a big part of our family.

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