Sunshine! A few notes for today/tonight from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar (reminder, the 4th of July has its own page):
WALKER ROCK GARDEN OPEN: As noted here earlier this week, we found rare advance notice of two dates with the Walker Rock Garden – whose owners put it up for sale earlier this year – open to the public, and one is today. Now till noon, 5407 37th SW.
SWIM! Colman Pool continues its 7-day-a-week summer operations (pool schedule/other info here); looks like a wading pool day too – today’s pools would be Lincoln Park 11 am-8 pm, Delridge noon-6:45 pm
FREE HEALTH TESTS: The AARP | Walgreens Wellness Tour at High Point Walgreens (6330 35th Ave SW), noon-6 pm, offers free tests for cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose, bone density, body mass, and more.
ICE CREAM AT THE BEACH: Coastal on Alki had announced last week that the Molly Moon’s Ice Cream truck would be visiting on Fridays – but not a consistent time window; today, it’s noon-2 pm.
STORIES FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD: Crooked Trails Live presents a night of music, food, wine, photos and stories from the wild side at Alki Arts (2820 Alki SW), 7-9 pm. Join Maasai warrior Kakuta Ole Maimai on a journey to Maasailand! This is a personal story of a man who grew up in a village at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro, southern Kenya, and with community support came to the U.S. to finish college – then went home and started schools, a health center, and a clean-water pipeline.
LOCAL TEENS PERFORM: Not in West Seattle, but with young performers from West Seattle (as explained in this Hollow Earth Radio report): The band 80 or Free plays The Lab, behind the Seattle Drum School, 15th NE and NE 125th, 7 pm tonight, all ages, $5.
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