Admiral businesses! Answered the survey yet? Or, if you didn’t get it…

July 12, 2011 6:17 pm
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The Admiral Neighborhood Association – which meets tonight at 7 at Admiral Congregational Church – has taken a big step forward in its attempt to bring together local business owners. This week, according to ANA president Katy Walum, ANA sent a letter to more than 120 businesses in the general Admiral area, including a link to an online survey that ANA hopes to use to “gauge the current characteristics and priorities of Admiral’s businesses” and “gather cohesive information about what is important to all in the Admiral business community.” If you received that survey, they’re asking for participation by this Saturday; Walum says it’ll only take you three minutes. Once they have the results, ANA will invite participants to a gathering at Porterhouse, date/time TBA, at which Safeway representatives also will be on hand to talk about the new store (still scheduled to open August 12th). The survey is not public, so we don’t have the link to share here, but Katy has one very important point:

ANA member David Whiting has worked tirelessly to put together this survey and to compile the business names and addresses for this mailing, but we know that some businesses may have been missed. If you are a business owner in the Admiral District (we are including all businesses north of SW Charlestown, east to the Admiral Viewpoint, and west to Alki Mail & Dispatch) and did not receive this letter, please contact us at so that we can verify that you are a business owner or leader in Admiral, and email you a link to the survey.

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