WSB notes, including last call to answer our ‘4 Questions for You’

June 4, 2011 9:08 am
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Before the day gets crazy: First, thanks to the 500+ people who have already answered our 4 Questions for You.” In case you didn’t have time during the week but might have a few minutes now, here’s the last call, before we close the “survey” at weekend’s end. The questions are here.

Second, we’re honored that WSB has received another award: WSB is the city’s “Best News Website,” according to this year’s Seattle Weekly Web Awards (reader votes were factored in, with a panel of judges having the final say; WSB was a 2010 winner as well, though the categories differed).

Third, if you use Facebook, a warning that they seem to have reset the news feeds again – without having initiated any changes ourselves, we just wound up with the “only see pages you interact with” setting again, and had to fix it so we can see ALL the WS/related pages we have “liked.” To make sure this hasn’t happened to you, scroll down your news-feed updates to “edit options.” If you don’t have “updates from all your friends and pages” chosen, you might not see updates from pages like ours that are more frequently viewed than discussed. (What? Didn’t know WSB was on FB too? Also on Twitter – If you don’t use the service but want to see what we’re tweeting about – an eclectic mix of observations, bulletins, and conversations – scroll to the bottom of our sidebar, which always shows the latest WSB tweets.) Have a great Saturday!

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