West Seattle, Washington
12 Wednesday
A reminder that if you take surface streets between SODO and West Seattle/Harbor Island, this closure is scheduled to have begun – the intersection of East Marginal Way/Spokane Street, as part of the project building a new structure on EMW to get over the railroad tracks between the south side of the West Seattle Bridge and the west side of Highway 99. The city created an updated map, which you see above, to show how traffic is supposed to circulate through/around the closure area this weekend – police/flaggers were promised, too. IMPORTANT: The detour map above is only good through Monday morning, but the closure continues through Thursday – here’s the map for Monday morning through Thursday. (And then remember, the day after that – starting late the night of June 10th, NEXT weekend brings an Alaskan Way Viaduct closure, more reminders on that to come.)
Another camera crew was in action around West Seattle today. Not a movie this time – but still a major production. Laurel Trujillo sent word that her Junction-area home was going to be a major location for an L.A.-based production company, Kontent Partners, shooting a marketing video on behalf of Kinetix, the company she works for, which Laurel describes as “a wellness company that provides fitness and nutrition programs to corporate clients” (including Starbucks), and is soon going direct-to-consumer too. The crew started the day on the West Seattle Golf Course, where Kim spotted them and shared the photo above. Then WSB contributor Christopher Boffoli caught up with the crew at Laurel’s place (where parking was blocked off along 41st to make space for the production vehicles):
Laurel isn’t in the video but was on hand as the crew set up, including covering the windows and setting up their own light:
The company’s marketing director chose the place after visiting for a party and becoming intrigued with its distinctive design:
It’s not all glamour if your home is chosen for a film/video – Laurel got up at 5 am when an advance team arrived to start rearranging furniture, among other things. She and her husband have lived in The Junction for just about six months, moving from Bellevue. From their place, the crew was planning more outdoor work – so if you saw them in action today, that’s what it was about.
With two days of 70-plus-degree sunshine on the way – according to the newest forecast – the sign outside Red Cup Espresso (which you probably know is partly solar-powered!) seems appropriate. (Thanks to JayDee for spotting it and sharing the photo. Note the hockey cheer in the lower-left corner.) And if you missed the noontime low tides the past two days, you have another chance tomorrow:
Debra Herbst shared that view from today’s -2.2 in the Alki area. Tomorrow, just a tiny bit higher, -2.0 at 1:16 pm.
We’ve covered some big, serious stories today … now on to a little Friday fun:
Let us be the 6,000,000th (or so) person today to quote Homer Simpson‘s immortal line “MMMM, doughnuts.” As noted here on Wednesday, The Original Bakery in Fauntleroy decided to celebrate National Doughnut Day today by visiting Southwest Community Center in Westwood with free coffee and applesauce doughnuts. Above, that’s David, first recipient of a free doughnut; below, Gina Saxby from the SWCC team at left, with Original Bakery’s Anna Alonzo:
Anna reports TOB’s new website launched today too – including a menu page with a list of all their regular doughnuts.
We received a nice email from Ashley Vincent asking for our help to promote their fundraising skate event this Saturday. She made a personal appeal for help, and how can we refuse?
My name is Ashley Vincent I’m 22 years old and a local West Seattle-ite. I am writing to you about a fundraiser that I am having this weekend. My best friend and I are walking in the Susan G. Komen 3 Day for the Cure (my 3rd year and her 1st) and are holding a fundraiser at Southgate Roller Rink this weekend! We had our first fundraiser, a bake sale, listed through you during the Community Garage Sale Day and raised over $800! We were wondering if there was any way you could help us get the word out about our “Skate for a Cure” fundraiser for more people to show up?
Here are the event details:
Put on your roller skates and “Skate for a Cure”. Help local West Seattleites Amiko Imori and Ashley Vincent raise the $4,600 they need to be able to participate in the 2011 Susan G. Komen 60 mile 3-Day walk! A fun two hours of catching up with old friends, great music, and roller skating all while supporting a great cause!
Where: Southgate Roller Rink
When: Saturday, June 4th, 5:00-7:00 pm
• Entrance into the rink will be $10 per person (this includes skate rental) but any donations over that will be greatly appreciated!
• 100% of the donations received from this event will go straight to Susan G. Komen for the Cure!
• Prizes for best dressed (male and female), racing, limbo and more!
They also have a Facebook Event page where you can RSVP, ask questions, or make comments.
So come dressed in your craziest pink clothes and get ready to skate! See you there!
1:56 PM: A high-powered team of elected officials led by Governor Gregoire summoned media to the south end of the downtown waterfront for what was billed as an announcement about the Holgate-to-King section of the Highway 99/Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement project. The news: It is 6 months ahead of schedule and demolition will start Oct. 22. More to come.
2:12 PM UPDATE: This was an elaboration on what the Holgate-to-King project leader Matt Preedy had announced at the South Portal Working Group meeting on Wednesday (here’s our coverage; no other newspeople were there). While he had reported the work ahead of schedule, he didn’t say how much ahead of schedule, but said timelines were being revised. So today came the details, with Governor Gregoire joined on a stage in the work zone (top photo) by Transportation Secretary Paula Hammond, King County Executive Dow Constantine, City Councilmembers Sally Clark, Jean Godden, Tim Burgess and Sally Bagshaw, and Port Commissioner Gael Tarleton. (Clark spoke for the City Council, saying that other members might have been there too, except for the fact committee meetings were still under way back at City Hall. Agendas show one committee meeting this afternoon – 2 of its members, Clark and Bagshaw, were at this event; the other two, Nick Licata and Tom Rasmussen, were not.)
The state says the demolition work wasn’t supposed to start till next April, but contractor Skanska has worked so quickly, it’s now going to start in October. The new cost is $3.5 million less, says WSDOT, but Skanska gets about 70% of that as a bonus, so taxpayer savings is $1 million. The new 99 structure you see taking shape along the old one will be opened before that happens, and traffic will be shifted onto it. So does this mean any shorter timeframe for the traffic woes West Seattleites (among others) are experiencing, which intensified with the mid-May reduction? We asked Hammond that question when the announcement segued to Q/A:
(A new WSDOT graphic also reiterates it will still be two lanes each way while traffic is using the new structure.) County Executive Constantine had an interesting stat: Two weeks of West Seattle Water Taxi stats are now in, post-Viaduct Squeeze, and ridership in the commute periods is up 60 percent.
We’re reviewing the “official” materials handed out after the speeches ended and will add more details shortly.
10:47 PM: One more thing to add – Seattle Channel video’d the 20-minute event in its entirety, so here it is:
(Our question to Secretary Hammond is about 17:50 in – the event venue was so noisy, reporters were motioned to the front of the stage to ask our questions, and ours was the first. )
(WSB photo of ‘The Hole,’ taken last month)
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
WSB has confirmed with two sources that the longrunning legal case involving the idled West Seattle development called Fauntleroy Place, but better known as ‘The Hole,’ has been settled.
That’s according to both the bailiff for King County Superior Court Judge Susan Craighead, who has been on the case, and one of the myriad attorneys representing the many parties involved.
Neither bailiff Jennie Cowan nor the lawyer had (or could divulge) details of the settlement, and there is no paperwork in the court system so far – so that’s all we know at this point, but we are continuing to work to find out additional information. There had been a motion hearing scheduled in the case this afternoon, but bailiff Cowan says that when lawyers informed the judge that a settlement had been reached, the hearing “was stricken.”
The case had gone to mediation at the suggestion of Judge Craighead, as we reported here in April, while a second trial date continued to approach. It’s a complicated case, and the judge already had rendered one decision back in November, to settle whose liens had priority. (That decision was appealed; we’ll be checking on its status.)
The big question for most West Seattleites, of course, is whether this will lead to the resumption of development at the site. Judge Craighead had repeatedly expressed concern about its safety, and suggested that it was important for the West Seattle community to see something done with the site sooner rather than later. At one point earlier this year, she ordered a foreclosure sale, but in February, it was called off at the last minute when the concern that wants to take possession of the site, 3922 SW Alaska LLC (associated with the owner of Madison Development), put up a $7.7 million cash bond.
Ground was ceremonially broken for Fauntleroy Place in June 2008; it was slated for a new Whole Foods Market (they have long since pulled out of the project), a new Hancock Fabrics store, and apartments. The development stalled later that year, and the squabbling over why and who was to blame has been at the heart of the legal fight.
We’ll add to this story as we find out more.
The carts were lined up and ready to go as the first-ever Chief Sealth International High School Athletics Benefit Golf Tournament teed off this morning at Rainier Golf Course and Country Club. Last-minute registrants were still signing up, much to the delight of athletic director Sam Reed, who has been working hard to make the event happen. He and principal John Boyd opened the tournament with a few words:
Also among the golfers, Chief Sealth’s basketball coach Colin Slingsby:
Tournament participants will wrap up their day with an early dinner/auction event. As noted in event previews, proceeds will help pay for athletics-program components including “C-team” participation (enabling sports to be played by more than just the top athletes), transportation, new uniforms, equipment, off-season camps and leagues, and continuing education for coaches. (The event comes the same week Sealth celebrated the conclusion of a successful spring-sports season, as detailed here.)
(WSB photo from September 2010)
A reminder today about a need for two hours of your time tomorrow – a small investment for a big difference: Eight months after the now-vacant Boren School on Delridge Way was boarded up, Pete Spalding and other community activists want to take action to discourage graffiti/tagging vandalism by putting up more murals. The murals already have been painted, but need some work so that they will last longer once they’re installed. Tomorrow from 9 to 11 am, help make that happen – and then get on with the rest of your Saturday fun in the (expected) sun! Here’s our original invitation; Boren’s at 5950 Delridge (here’s a map).
That photo is from yesterday’s low tide (near Luna/Anchor Park), and today’s low tide, around 12:30 pm, will be even lower – just in case you are looking for an excuse to get out into the sunshine, by the water! Also from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SKYLARK: Skylark Café and Club (WSB sponsor) has its 5th birthday celebration tonight with the solo acoustic debut of Zach Davidson from Vendetta Red/Sirens Sister, doors at 8 pm, $5 cover – details here (3803 Delridge Way SW).
WEST SEATTLE HS ALL-SCHOOL REUNION: It all begins with cars on display along SW Stevens starting around 4 pm, then the school doors open at 5 pm. Events include West Seattle Big Band performance and more – here’s the full schedule (originally published on WSB in April).
WSHS CLASS OF ’86: 1986 grads are having their 25th reunion in conjunction with the All-School Reunion, at the school 5-8 pm, and then off to an afterparty at The Bridge (4439 35th Ave SW), plus a family-friendly potluck on Alki Saturday (contact class rep Jeff Stern at Sternski1@comcast.net if you’re not already in the loop).
CHIEF SEALTH INT’L HS ATHLETICS GOLF TOURNAMENT: The first-ever fundraising golf tournament for Sealth’s athletic program is under way all day at Rainier Golf & Country Club, with an awards dinner tonight.
FRIDAY NIGHT SKATING: If you can’t make it to the rink – West Seattle has a place to skate too, every Friday night at Alki Community Center (5817 SW Stevens), 6:45-8:45, you can borrow skates there if you don’t have your own. $3/person.
NATIONAL DOUGHNUT DAY: Anna from The Original Bakery (follow the link to see their new website) says they’re celebrating by giving out free applesauce donuts and coffee at Southwest Community Center, 1 pm (previewed here).
SKA/REGGAE/CARIBBEAN MUSIC: Live tonight at Brickyard BBQ in the Admiral District, 7 pm.
WINE TASTING: At Bin 41 (4707 California SW), 6 – 7:30 pm. Pinot Noir Tasting with Sojourn Cellars.
Out of the WSB inbox this morning, a request from Peter, for your help in finding a stolen car:
My wife’s car was stolen from our driveway on Wednesday night. We’ve reported the theft to the police, but hope WSB readers can help us find it. It’s a black 2004 Saab convertible, license plate ADC 1007. If someone sees it, please call 911. Thanks to one and all.
(He didn’t mention what neighborhood, but we’ve got a return inquiry out and will update – please include general location info with Crime Watch reports – nearest intersection will suffice – thanks!)
The eye-catching posters are all over town – ERIC RICE BENEFIT. If you haven’t read the fine print (full-size version here), it’s about an event this Sunday night at Brickyard BBQ in the Admiral District, to raise money for the motorcyclist hurt in a collision with a car in the Luna Park business district on April 30th. We covered the crash that night (the driver was cited). A benefit organizer, Michelle, tells WSB that Eric “is healing but will be in recovery and therapy for many months ahead. He is with us (thanks) to those from the Luna Park Cafe who witnessed the incident and saved his life before medical help could arrive.” She says five local bands will play at the benefit between 1 and 9 pm, and Eric is expected to attend in the afternoon; they’ve amassed many donated items for the raffle/auction: “Everyone is invited and welcome to join in the benefit, all donations go to Eric.” 2310 California SW. (You can also donate online via Facebook.)
Story by Joanne Brayden
Photo by Kevin McClintic
Special to West Seattle Blog
The incident that sparked this story began when a West Seattle resident reported in the comments section of this recent WSB report, “So You Think You Know Who’s at Nickelsville?”, that an automatic notification had informed her/him that a registered sex offender living in the vicinity of the camp that moved back to eastern WS three weeks ago today.
At first glance, that report and how Nickelsville rapidly responded to it seemed to be all there was to tell, but this story, like all tales of human interaction with bureaucracy, turns out to be much more complex than anticipated.
I confess, as the person breaking the story of WSB Forums member Mike’s move to Nickelsville, I was inclined to dismiss the initial comment about a sex offender living at Nickelsville as one of the many Not In My Back Yard reactions to the homeless camp, but as the evening progressed, the probable offender was identified.
(WSB video: Walking along the line of luminarias at 2010 West Seattle Relay for Life)
One week from tonight, it’s the summer’s only all-night fundraiser in West Seattle – Relay for Life. Though some teams have been planning and raising money for months, it’s also not too late to form one and sign up now to be part of the cancer-fighting walkathon at West Seattle Stadium. WSB is proud to be among the West Seattle Relay for Life co-sponsors this year; here’s the latest update from Rebecca Polivy:
The West Seattle Relay for Life is right around the corner! Join us by creating a team or just coming out and seeing what it is all about. Festivities kick off at 6 pm on Friday June 10th with fun for the whole family – walk the track for American Cancer Society or just come to check out an awesome performance by the Seattle Civic Dance Theater, practice your marshmallow launching skills, or compete in the first annual Minute-to-Win-it competition!
We are also looking for lots of day-of volunteers – if you could come and help us out any time between 1pm on June 10th through noon on Saturday we would love to have you. E-mail Rebecca (bec@busstop.org) to learn more about how you can help! Between setting up, helping set up for the luminaria ceremony, or manning our information tent – we could use volunteers of all ages!
Hope to see you there – westseattlerelay.com
You can also donate online right now to any of dozens of participants – the links are here.
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