West Seattle Relay for Life update: Goals in sight!

(WSB photo from luminaria ceremony during 2009 Relay for Life – West Seattle)
Five weeks may sound like a long time, but for an event like Relay for Life-West Seattle, which involves assembling a team and making plans for the all-night walk, it’s not much – Rebecca sends this update:

…Tiime to get your team signed up today!!!

We are so close to surpassing all our goals and we need your help. We already have 19 teams signed up from all over West Seattle– schools, churches, businesses – this community wide event will be a great way to meet others in your local area. Help us reach our goal of 25 teams and raising more than $75,000 for the American Cancer Society.

Mark your calendar for June 10th at West Seattle Stadium.

Even if you can’t spend the night with us, plan to come by for some great community fun, fundraising, and local bands! Or donate to this great cause, here! Questions? Please ask Rebecca today – bec@busstop.org

Relay for Life is both a festive and contemplative event over the course of the evening and morning that it runs, and at times moving for spectators as well as participants. WSB is proud to have joined the sponsor lineup for this year’s Relay – if you’re interested in sponsorship, Rebecca would be able to handle those inquiries too.

1 Reply to "West Seattle Relay for Life update: Goals in sight!"

  • Rebecca P May 4, 2011 (8:07 am)

    Mother’s Day Plant Sale – Saturday May 7

    The American Cancer Society Relay for Life of West Seattle Team Go For It! is sponsoring a plant sale on Saturday May 7 – just in time for Mother’s Day. The team will be selling perennials and vegetable starters as well as herbs. Get your garden growing and help in the fight against cancer. All proceeds from the sale will go to the American Cancer Society Relay for Life of West Seattle. The sale will be in the parking lot of Ginomai at
    4401 – 42nd Ave SW (42nd and Genesee) between 10 am and 4 pm.

    Besides plants, plant sticks and bird houses, there will be an opportunity to buy luminarias to be lit at the Relay for Life June 10 – June 11. Luminarias are lit decorated bags, each with the name of a person who has fought cancer. These will line the track at West Seattle Stadium during the Relay. These are personalized to reflect the person they are honoring. There is a ceremony where the luminarias are lit and they burn all through the night as Relayers walk around the track – a truly moving sight. These are being decorated by West Seattle artists for a suggested donation of $10.

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