West Seattle Monday: Beachside Café opens; Preschool Fair; more

This morning’s photo is courtesy of Lisa Stencel – on a morning when the grayness is back, a different viewpoint on water! Meantime, highlights from the WSB West Seattle Events calendar:

BEACHSIDE CAFE´OPENING DAY: New owners have reopened the old Alki Bakery space as of 7 am today (here’s what they’re offering).

SPRING QUARTER BEGINS AT SSCC: South Seattle Community College‘s spring quarter starts today.

WEST SEATTLE PRESCHOOL FAIR: 5:30-7:30 tonight, St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church (3050 California SW), free (more details in yesterday’s preview)

WEST SEATTLE LITTLE LEAGUE: The league‘s first games are scheduled today.

PAJAMA DRIVE FOR FOSTER KIDS: Sleep Country USA starts collecting them today – their local outlet is in Westwood Village, just south of Eats Market Café.

LIBRARY STORY TIME: The High Point Library has a Family Story Time on Mondays at 7 pm! All families are welcome to enjoy songs, rhymes, games, and books. (More info here)

ADMIRAL SAFEWAY: Seattle City Council will consider Admiral Safeway agreement changes because of the project change, doubling the number of residential units – 2 pm meeting.

7 Replies to "West Seattle Monday: Beachside Café opens; Preschool Fair; more"

  • lucky chick April 4, 2011 (10:03 am)

    Great eye, Lisa Stencel! I don’t know what the word is to describe it, but it’s such an unlikely arrangement of components. An irresistable photo. Thanks!

  • Kelly April 4, 2011 (10:54 am)

    Beachside Cafe is awesome! I didn’t think whatever new thing that went in could fill the shoes of Alki Cafe, but I am happy to report that I think Beachside Cafe is better! Waffles, yum! Frozen yogurt, double yum! Awesome squash bread from Macrina was delicious. The veggie breakfast sandwich was fantastic and the coffee was perfect. Two thumbs up and we’ll be back very soon! Congratulations to the new owners!

  • Andy April 4, 2011 (12:26 pm)

    Do I bring my kids to the pre school fair, or is it generally a “leave ’em at home” thing?

  • MercyMoi April 4, 2011 (2:42 pm)

    Andy, we went last year with our little one and the savvy preschool reps who had hands-on kids stuff at their booths kept him very busy! We may have gotten more out of chatting with reps had we not brought him (distraction), but he was very welcome and had fun there.

    • WSB April 4, 2011 (2:59 pm)

      I just heard back from organizer Renee who says yes, kids are welcome too – TR

  • Andy April 5, 2011 (10:32 am)

    Thanks, everyone. We took the kids, and it all went well. Daughter got herself a fancy, sticker-laden crown out of the deal.

  • John April 17, 2011 (9:34 am)

    Very disappointed! I went there Saturday morning (4/16/11) and wanted to see what it was about. I ordered a Morning Glory muffin that I normally get at Metropolitan Market. I was surprised that I was being charged sales tax on a food purchase. I told the clerk that I should not be charged sales tax on this. She said she would let the owner know. To add insult to injury the muffin was a day old muffin. It was rock solid and I had to throw it away because it was so hard. Avoid this place, go to Metropolitan market, get fresh muffins, with no unnecessary sales tax.

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