West Seattle Easter: Yes, there’s a Farmers’ Market today

(Photo added 11:58 am – Kate awaiting would-be egg-decorators in the Kids’ Tent)
Just in case you weren’t sure – when they say the West Seattle Farmers’ Market is year-round, they mean it, including Easter Sunday. Till 2 pm today, 44th/Alaska. Market manager Catherine Burke shared advance word this week that today’s highlights include egg-coloring for kids (hosted by West Seattle Helpline – bought your tickets for their Taste of West Seattle fundraiser yet?) and growers selling asparagus, rhubarb, early greens, and plant starts.

2 Replies to "West Seattle Easter: Yes, there's a Farmers' Market today"

  • coffee April 24, 2011 (11:01 am)

    The helpline is the best! And their taste is a wonderful event!

  • visitor April 24, 2011 (2:29 pm)

    ..n/m, wrong thread

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