(THURSDAY MORNING UPDATE, 7:16 AM: Seattle Police says the motorcyclist did not survive)

9:49 PM: Traffic is blocked right now in at least one direction on 35th SW in the Findlay/Juneau area (map) for a medic response at a crash scene. Initial scanner reports said a car and motorcycle were involved. More shortly.
9:56 PM: 35th SW is currently blocked both ways at the scene, and SW Juneau is being blocked as well. And the scanner indicates the Traffic Collision Investigation Squad is responding, which means both that someone is apparently seriously hurt and that the road will be at least partly closed for some time.
10 PM: We are at the scene. A wrecked motorcycle and vehicle are in view. The scanner indicates one person is receiving CPR while being rushed to Harborview Medical Center. Some traffic is getting through southbound, but northbound 35th and westbound Juneau are being taped off. Avoid the area TFN.
10:08 PM: Authorities at the scene confirm the person taken to the hospital is the motorcycle rider. The driver of the car (photo just added, above) was not hurt seriously, if at all. Given the hour, we may not have significant updates on the crash’s cause/victim’s status before morning, but we’ll be checking, and we’ll also check back on the road-closure status.
11:56 PM: Adding that clip from the scene, before the investigation team arrived – a little bit of perspective to where the motorcycle and car ended up. We drove through the area about 15 minutes ago; the northbound lanes remain blocked while investigators work, as does westbound Juneau east of 35th, and 35th traffic is being allowed through the southbound lanes, with northbound and southbound alternating.
1:34 AM: Police just announced (relayed via scanner) that 35th SW is fully open again at the scene.
7:16 AM: Seattle Police have just confirmed what a WSB commenter has posted – the motorcyclist died. Det. Mark Jamieson says he does not know the man’s age, nor that of the woman driving the car with which the motorcycle collided. He says the motorcycle was traveling northbound and the car traveling southbound, turning left (eastbound) onto Juneau, when the two collided.
7:33 AM: Det. Jamieson has published the police summary to SPD Blotter; it adds that witnesses told police the motorcyclist was traveling “at a high rate of speed.” Meantime, we are checking WSB archives for the last deadly crash in West Seattle; so far, we aren’t finding one more recent than this March 2010 incident at 37th/Admiral.