Happening now: Marrow-donor signup party at Alki Arts

No rain so far – fine time to head to the beach (sun or no sun), and while you’re there, stop by Alki Arts (2820 Alki SW) and sign up for the bone-marrow registry (while also checking out the art that’s on display and on sale!). Nothing painful – just the one-in-a-million chance that maybe someday you would have the chance to save somebody’s life, maybe that of Christy Bemis, whose story is at the end of our report about Marnie Devlin (at left in top photo), who came up with the marrow-drive idea to celebrate her 25th birthday, and got community sponsors to donate prizes and treats (Alki Arts donated use of its space, too).

The event continues till 6 tonight.

7:56 PM UPDATE: Via Facebook, Alki Arts reports more than 100 people registered!

2 Replies to "Happening now: Marrow-donor signup party at Alki Arts"

  • The Velvet Bulldog April 3, 2011 (6:12 pm)

    Just registered! Thanks to Marnie for providing this opportunity.

  • Dale Swanson April 4, 2011 (8:23 am)

    As a former bone marrow donor nothing can be more rewarding.

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