That’s an advance look (click the image for a larger version) at the interpretive sign that will be dedicated at T-107 Park on the Duwamish River in West Seattle this Saturday afternoon, as the multisite Duwamish Alive! work party wraps up. As previewed here earlier this month, there’s a lot going on at that site on Saturday, but it’s still in need of more volunteers, according to Cari Simson from the Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition. We asked her where help is still needed, and she said about 20 more people could still be used at the adjoining Herring’s House and T-107 park sites, as well as several volunteers each at Longfellow Creek (Brandon Street Natural Area) and Roxhill Bog. If you would like to RSVP for T-107, e-mail contact@duwamishcleanup.org; for the other two, adam.jackson@kingcd.org. If you can’t join in the work parties but would like to go to T-107 for the dedication ceremony (which also will mark the opening of a new hand-carry boat launch), it’s at 1 pm Saturday (with dignitaries scheduled to be on hand including Duwamish Tribe chair Cecile Hansen, King County Executive Dow Constantine, and City Council President Richard Conlin).
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